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New JK2 in game footage *spoilers*


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Originally posted by MuRaSaMuNe

:( :( I can't get divx5 to install it says illegual operation when i try :( :( :ball: someone please help mee


TrUeFoRcE is gonna convert them to wmv format as soon as he gets somewhere to upload then. I managed to install divx but found it was pretty good at crashing my computer.

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I seriously doubt it is Jan as a Reborn, if she dies and that is what makes Kyle take up being a jedi again, then so be it, I've already killed her before anyways in JK1 :) besides, Every Star Wars movie so far has had something tragic happen, Obi-Wan died, then Han got frozen, then Vader died after being redeemed, and Qui-Gon died, the games should reflect this too by killing off major characters also.

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I dont think Jan is dead... Cause later on in giga3.avi that Exo Suit guy comes, and he says soemthing like, The Ors girl has a high opinion of you, you know that? She has said your name eightteen times... Something like that is said, and Kyle already has force powers and saber at that point (could be cause of cheats though but i doubt it a bit) so i think Kyle might THINK Jan dies, but she doesnt... either way, we'll know soon enough :) )

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Firstly, I would like to thank Fin for bringing this to our attention...and for hosting part of the files...:)


These videos are little gems...for those of us who can't wait the

next couple of days...time is really moving slow as we get closer to the release date..;)


Thanks also to TUS Tomcat and Noodly God for hosting the dowloads...:)


Thanks for helping out the Jedi Knight 2 community out....


Well done!!!



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Anytime :)


See, i dont have to pay for the webspace... One of the guys in my Rogue Spear clan works at an ISp and we have our own FTP server siting on like a dual DS-48 or something i donno its fast anyway....


Now im just hoping it doesnt get downloaded too often or my clanmate is gonna wanna have a talk with me :D

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No prob Qel. Tus: hehe, while I do pay for my hosting I also hope that the phpwebhosting people don't wanna have a talk with me. =) I doubt they will because they offer "unmetered bandwidth" but we'll see. Also, if you guys want me to replace 2, 3, 4 or 5 with part 1 just say so and I'll upload 1 and take another down. (Whichever is the least popular, two doesn't seem to get mentioned a lot, but 1 just got mirrored again.)


And now my thoughts on the videos: I need this game. I'm a bit dissapointed that these two guys just took turns igniting the sabre when I thought I was going to see an actuall saber fight but it was still pretty cool. And I love the multiplayer shots. (Like when the one guy force pushes the other guy off of the ledge.) And nothing beats watching some guy fall off a cliff and shout "Nein!!" at the top of his lungs.


ps. If anyone else on this forum is into the web design thing, and in search of a host PHPwebhosting is only 10 bucks a month. I've seen people offer less and charge 130 sooo if your interested check out http://www.phpwebhosting.com (I don't work for them or anything, but they rock.)

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Originally posted by TUS_Tomcat

Now im just hoping it doesnt get downloaded too often or my clanmate is gonna wanna have a talk with me :D


hehe, I was wondering about that...suddenly your friend checks out the bandwith "3.21Gb downloaded??!?! WTF?!"


Thanks for doing it anywayz. Watching the germans commentating is rather amusing to say the least.

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Yeah loads of people loved that piece of footage....I had my server up for about 11 hours last night (about midnight to 11a.m. today). The stat's are CRAZY












My poor cable got hammered so much that I can't even connect to Yahoo! :lol:

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Just finished loooking at them WOW!!!! everything runs sooooo smoothly jezzz!

One note on veiwing though, for those having problems it seems that in the new version of internet explorer, there is a newer version of media player that will play the vids. Go check it out.

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