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I am a avid gamer. No Newbie. But it seems this "forum".

Doesnt let you search. It says admin doesnt let you.

So we cant do a random search for demo like most other "forums".


Not to mention. Star Trek Voyager. What a load of "vaporware".

And only "newbies". Post immature pics. And only "newbies" Race out and get a Geforce 3\4 just to run Jedi 2. Who really liked Star Trek Voyager and still playing it.


Star Trek Voyager was lame. Go on ship, fight on ship, go to alien ship, go back to your ship fight more enemies. End of game. It makes daikatana look good.


Give me a break. Get a Xbox and Halo. At least with Xbox. You dont have to upgrade. You dont have to worry about vaporware games. Or clones of games. And you sure dont have to worry about game companies like 3drealms with duke forever.


And why worry about Jedi 2 and SOF 2. Give me a break. Medal Of Honour is the best war sim. Who cares about gibs. John Mullins are real war hero. Yeah Right. Look at the game. Arcadey, action movie style. Now MOH was created by real war heros. Not some newbie.


Dont get me wrong. i am no FANBOY of Xbox. I love all platforms. PC, PS2, Xbox. But REAL games are. Deus Ex perfect game, Hitman, Half Life, for PS2. Grand Theft Auto 3 kick @ss game. Metal Gear Solid 2 perfect game. Xbox Halo Perfect game.


Now I am going back to play MGS2 and Halo. Jedi 2. Bwahaha. Only newbies and kiddies play superhero, sci fi games, Bahwhaha.

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I am talking Sci Fi as in star trek, star wars, all those kiddie, comic book things. I am not talking sci fi as in steven king and adult games, YES, adult games like Halo. I am talking the kiddie cut out cookie clones. And by the way. I am 27 avid gamer.


Have you kiddies been allowed to play GTA3 :-). I got the uncesored version. Before our immature government took it off shelves and edited it. Edited just one small, tiny part. Hows that for government. Why not just change our name to Germany. Or change johny howards name to Bin Laden.


There are so many new games out. New technology advanced games. Not to mention Postal 2 :-). But I doubt you kiddie newbies. Mummy, daddy will let you play it. They only let you play Jedi 2, a kiddies game, hehe.

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I'm not going to say anything against Rain Wolf directly, I would just like to point out that the gross inconsistency of his post makes him look like the idiot.


I'd just like to state publically that Jedi's aren't super heroes. Their human.. (another example of how poor his post was)


Keep up the good work Rain Wolf. We all love you, and your well thought out contributions to this forum!



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Well Deus Ex is game of year. And its perfect to me. Metal Gear Solid 2 is perfect game. I am no troll.

Just tired of vaporware crap like Return To Castle Wolfenstein.


Look at all these crappy seqeals. Serious Sam 2, RTCW, Jedi 2, SOF 2.

On the other hand GTA3, MGS2 kick @ss.


IF I am such a bloody newbie. Why did I get through MGS2 on extreme mode, with all dog tags and bonus items, hmm, Newbies, you wll play Jedi 2 on gode mode, then go multiplayer, hehe

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First off a few things, I'm a big gamer too, love the games, have a PC i get a new one every year, Xbox, and Gamecube, now first off Elite Force was awesome, you said you run around, kill people on an alien ship and do the same thing... lol you just discribed Halo as well, I have played Halo, it is a good game, but doesnt fall from sterotypical sci fi games. Second, you named good games there, but lots were not perfect,... HITMAN? what that game was rougher then a piece of sand paper, it had a cool concept but was not pollished and excucted horribley. Most gamers would agree with me. Half-Life yes best game ever, but I belive like before, Jedi Knight I was the best game since Doom, and JKII will be the best game since Half-Life. I can't wait for it. You don't have to proove your self saying your not a noob, alot of us arnt and we dont judge you any who, but Hitman? ouch not a good choice for perfect games. And i bet you are a little kid yoru self, you just want to act big because you think blood and gore make you a big boy, well it doesnt, being mature prooves your a big boy, and you my friend are not.

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Well JKI won many awards, PC gamer, Computer gaming world, both gave it game of the year, and was loved to death, and JKII you havent even played it yet so what do you know if it sucks. MGS2 decent game, but jesus it plays half the game for you, play for five minutes...10 minute cut scene...play for 2 minutes 20 minute cut scene, ... dont dis a game you havent played, and JKII will rock a few reviews have spewed out and people loved it, if you are a ture gamer, you would give games a chance, not critizie them before they even come out.

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Ok. Where to begin. No uncesored version of GTA3. Hehe. What a newbie comment. You could pick up a hooker, have sex, then take money from her. Not in the kiddies version. I got adult version. Want proof go here on forums. http://au.playstation.com/


There are TWO types of Sci Fi. The spacey, kiddie type. And the type that verges on suspense, horror sci fi. I like the later. Halo is like Jedi 2. Dont think so. can you drive vehicles. NO. Is it on the Xbox. NO. Hehe. I wont debate. But its like comparing Half Life and Jedi 2. HL is a classic, jedi 2 is not.


Jedi 2 is best game since HL. Yeah. In your dreams mabye.


I never said Hitman was perfect. Deus Ex is perfect. Sure. Hitman needed some work. But it was inovative. But I must say. MGS2 kicks its @ss all of the place. In terms of stealth, story, etc.


I am not a TROLL. Just tired of game companies @@@@ us over. With there vaporware games. you want to see how many trolls, fanboys there are. Go to 3drealms. You cant say any bad, constructive negative stuff about the game.


Give me a break. How many star wars, star trek games are there. You can call Alien Vs Predator Sci Fi. But look at AVP2 it was pathetic. Just another game gone in crowd.


To me these games are perfect Deus Ex, MGS2. GTA3. Thats it.


HL xen drove me nuts. Fanboys are the die hards that respond like all you. I am no fanboy. You could criticize MGS2. But it would fall on deaf ears. Because its a perfect game.


For the record. I have a Pentium 4, Windows XP, system, and getting Geforce 4. All the latest bells and whistles, but I want inovative games, not just vaporware.

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OOOO you beat one game on extreme mode, I just think you want attention, that doesnt make you a big gamer, knowledge makes you a gamer, and like I said a true gamer doesnt critizie games untill they have played them. Noobs are the people that come on and want to prove them selfs by saying they are not noobs and are the best gamers.

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Immature manner. Before I got here. You where all *****ing. Who could get it first USA or Aust. Give me a break. Aust will never get any game first. We go through Johny Howard censors, before teh game sees daylight. Your like kids. Are we there yet, are we there yet.


Tell me whats so technology advanced. Shooting storm troopers, using a light saber. WOW. Like that hasnt been done before. Bwhahaha. And quake 3 engine. Bwahaha. UT 2 engine will kill quake for forever :-)

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RainWolf, it boggles me that a 27 year old can be so hopelessly immature. I wouldn't have expected a post like this from anyone past their teens.


I agree with Zek, for a 27 year old, you sound like one of the most immature people i've ever heard. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, which is why we put up with you, but your posts can be basically be expressed in one easy sentence..."Everything I dont like is crap." Now explain to me how thats mature.

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I also totally beat MGS2 with extreme mode and all the bonus items, however i also love JK and looking at the videos and screenshots, i will also love JK2. MGS2 is a very good game, however isnt perfect due to the fact that you dont get to control snake for the entire game! i was disappointed by this part. who cares of the guy is getting older, so is james bond yet nobody cares


pc games always have longer repayability than console games, due to the fact of their editing abilities and multiplayer. playing on a lan beats 4 people playing on a tv anyday. and downloading mods change the game so much so that one can never tire of them.

and your saying that slicing off someones hand/arm/torso is kiddie like? where were you raised?

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