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Unclear on SWGB strategy...

Guest NightRaven

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Guest NightRaven

I was never a wiz with AoE. But, thats why I played it so much. It was challenging. I am having the same probs with this one. Too much to keep track of, and I keep getting caught with my pants down, so to speak. What kinda strategies do you recommend? So far, I like using the Empire. There are so many units, I dont know which to use, and in what combinations. I have been going with hordes of Mechs and repeater troops, but I am sure there is a better way.

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Guest darkmaster

for the empire, I use 10 jedis, 15 troopers, 10 bounty hounters and 10 mechs. And I like destroying the enemy's workers, so he'll suffer a lack of resources, then I can use some plummels or artillerys to destroy his base!!

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Well i would say that if you are having problems keep up with the game, try playing a standered game, and turning the unit cap down. With fewer units, you will have less to keep track of.


Also workers are the key to getting resorses. I like to have at lest 5 working on each type. ANd with farms, if you have enough carbon, you can setup a crop rotation thing, which will automatily rebuild farms for you when they run out.


But try a smaller unit cap. It is harder to get into an ememy base, but it will help you learn the game.

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Guest Wanderer_Man

Wraith had some good points with using a lower pop cap game, easier to learn how the game works then apply the same logic with higher population.


The key to this and many RTS games is resources, stronger economy=stronger player. What I learned early on in these types of games is to get more and more workers, typically in a lot of games the worker count will be half of the total population count.


As far as unit strategy, each civ has it's own flavor, but try to play on the strengths of each civ, for instance Troopers with the Wookies, Mechs with the Empire.

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Guest NightRaven

Ahhh... Good responses... I anticipated as such...


5 workers on each? Wow, I have about 20 on carbon and 10 on everything else... Problem is, to many things to deal with. I guess I just need to get organized. I have been building one of each army building. One for production, and the other for research.


I have huge problems against shielded buildings. I get impatient and end up getting in the wrong positions. This game is much different than the Myth series, which I used to have down pat.

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Guest Wanderer_Man

As far as early resources are concerned, what are the primary resources for the early techs? Food mostly, and a bit of nova. It doesn't hurt to have a good amount on carbon for military buildings and units as well. Ore..well that's optional, if you want a few more turrets go for it, otherwise, your probably better off using those workers for other things.


Also tailor your workers to what you want to do, more jedi? Then put more on nova earlier. Rushing to tech 3 or attacking in Tech 2? Those are other things to keep in mind.


Lastly you had the right idea with multiple military buildings, not only for researching and producing at the same time, but just overall general production rate. Higher pop counts you will want tons of military buildings as well.

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Guest NightRaven

I have been shooting for tech level 4 as soon as possible and holding off attacks with limited troops. I have been trying to spank out those heavy assualt mechs, but have been dissappointed by thier effectivness.


I have also noticed that those Jedi are powerful as hell, but I only go for the masters. The lower ranks dont seem to be worth it...

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