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Originally posted by Seryl Cann

Quake 3 has several anti hack things (including pure server) and Raven has added a few more things.


Yep...it's impossibel hack a pure server. A pure server doosn't allow another files other then tho's that came with game to be used. It however it does allow scripts to be used through the autoexec.cfg. But the scripting language will not allow you to cheat, only crate binds and change graphical settings, like lower polygon count for better fps etc.

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All Q3:TA engine games use .cfg files.


These save and allow cvars to be adjusted (CVAR = C++ Variable)


With some self education, and some trial and error, the use of cvar adjustment can do many things, including increasing FPS (frames per second), fine tuning mouse settings. Setting client data and packet rates.


All very important things to know for competition minded Jedis or Sith that will be looking at the game as a bit more than an interesting distraction.


Scripting is also a function of Q3A engine games that allows players to prebuild scripts which manipulate game cvars with the click of a key. It is, at times, by people uninitiated in the use of scripting and binding, called a cheat because it allows a player to simplify certain actions to one single key.


But it has many positive uses as well. For example, with scripting in JK2 you could build a function key that switches from saber to thermal detonators...all with one key stroke, versus scrolling through your weapons inventory.


The general gist I get here is that alot of you don't really know what to expect from the Q3A engine. But its okay....there was a guy on the Planetquake forums talking about JK2 today that thought because The Zone would be supporting the game that somehow...the massive network code of the Q3A engine had been simplified down to a simple P2P setup and that The Zone was the only place that was going to be hosting the game.


So needless to say, there are uninitiated everywhere.


I, on the other hand, should have a battery of rather distressingly cool scripts written on the 29th...when the rest of the world gets the game. Since I'll have the whole day on the 28th to work on them.



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Welcome Joruus, have a nice time on the forums.

It's good to see people like you accepting newbies in that way, instead of just flaming.


Where do you think I can find good and detailed info about Q3 scripts making?

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Q3A Gamehelp


This site starts out with a great list of Q3:TA engine cvars and explains what they are and what they do.


Its also got a great resource of scripts to look over and adapt to JK2.


My best suggestion is to drop down the console in JK2 when you get it and type /cvarlist. That will return a long string of JK2 specific cvar commands. Then condump the text.


Oh wait, you may not know what a condump is.


Basically do this.


Drop the console down (the tilde or ~ key in pretty much all Q3A engine games)





As stated a long string of game specific C variables will scroll up. When its finished type this:


/condump cvarlist.txt


That will create a text file in your JK2/Main folder which will have all the information currently held in the console text buffer. Which will allow you to compare the JK2 cvars to the Q3A engine cvarlist and allow you to gain an understanding of the game specific cvar functions within JK2.


And from there, some experimentation and adaptation and you'll be well on your way to scripting for JK2, which is the true difference between the casual player, and the foaming at the mouth saber wielding madman. IMHO.

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