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*POSSIBLE SPOILERS* Force Power Recap[more gigas]


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First off, force jump seems to give u tremendous air control. In JK force jump was totally vertical, it looks like in JK2 force jump combines both horizontal and vertical movement.


If you look at gigas3, you see luke fly across the room in somthin that looked pretty close to force jump+speed in JK. He was moving at normal speed tho.


Also you can go tremendously high. From my perspective and i could be wrong, u can go about 1 and a half times as high as you could in JK1. In the shot with the hangar just before they're messin with wall jumps, one of the germans jumped all the way above the force field wall. Now that looked incredibly high to me.


Second, force speed looks very odd. Hard to tell from the distortion, but im pretty sure thats what was being at the end of gigas 5. Problem is, it doesnt make u go that much faster. Seems to be some kind of blur, it definitely gave him a horizontal oomph tho. He was jumping farther, but not necessarily faster. Which bothered me.


The push/pull/grip dynamics were awesome. How they were playing chicken next to the ledge and one of the germans lost and got sent over. Very cool.


The other 2 i remember, lightning and darkrage, were interesting but i don't think they were put to use too well.


There's a *ton* of junk going on in these videos, im suprised people havent been hitting these things harder with discussion. The 20 or so min of video footage equates to more info than we've gotten in the past 2-3 months. Lots of stuff hasn't even been mentioned yet, like the dueling mode thats goin on, the personal shields, the stationary shield, the guns, etc.


What the rest of u think? I particularly want to hear what torm has to say now that we can actually see the speed/jump combo looks like.




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Originally posted by Lucky

First off, force jump seems to give u tremendous air control. In JK force jump was totally vertical, it looks like in JK2 force jump combines both horizontal and vertical movement.


If you look at gigas3, you see luke fly across the room in somthin that looked pretty close to force jump+speed in JK. He was moving at normal speed tho.


Also you can go tremendously high. From my perspective and i could be wrong, u can go about 1 and a half times as high as you could in JK1. In the shot with the hangar just before they're messin with wall jumps, one of the germans jumped all the way above the force field wall. Now that looked incredibly high to me.


It really depends how many stars you have for Force Jump and how much you want to use it. Some Force Jumps almost look like a grappling hook, you fly for a far distance.



What the rest of u think? I particularly want to hear what torm has to say now that we can actually see the speed/jump combo looks like.


Check out this thread http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?threadid=35190


One of the video shows Force Speed in SP is by slowing down everything (but move Kyle faster) so you can actually control yourself better. As to MP, I don't know which part of giga5 that they used Force Speed...

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Its the bit where the guy goins flyin off the edge torwards the end. You see him select it and then a weird motion blur starts up.



changkahn said force jump was the same key as jump, and it was really easy to use. This has me perplexed, cause it looks like the force power has very different capabilities.

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Originally posted by Caster

I like how one of the guys tried to force push one of the other guys into the pit but it took about 3 or 4 turns. This is good, that way it wont be so annoying and people wont be thrown around left and right.




yea, but WHY didn't he get pushed off is the question :confused:

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