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Gameplay Looks Hack and Slash?


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Yes Hoth, newbies WILL hack and slash and an experienced player take that newbie apart limb by limb....


How do I Know? I've played a Raven dueling game already, and for an older game, Heretic 2 has superb control and dueling, but this comes at a cost. It takes time to become good. If you don't want to spend the time then you will need to hack and slash to get a lucky frag or two. If I remember correctly it took three to four months to master the skills and controls to the point that you could beatdown the average server. I expect JO will be easy to hack and slash but hard to master (may not be like the movie but it is definately like real life fencing/dueling).


Good luck ;)

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Originally posted by Hoth

I hardly think it's "picky" to want the main weapon of this game to fight the way it's meant to.


Basically the whole marketing and promotion of the game revolves around this one weapon and yet ironically it appears that weapon hasn't much skillful use attached to it. It's all wild and fast hacking and slashing.


How's it "picky" to want light saber fights based on pure duelling skill?


Hopefully I am wrong and there will be some kind of skill in using a saber beyond fast button presses and hack and slash.




And sicne when is the lightsaber the ocmpletely main weapon in the game?

Also even tho in jk it was run in and out while doing sec. fire it was still quite fun espicially whne mods came out for better saber combat. Also the saber batlle is quite heafty in the video, i mean the guy misses then the other one attacks and it get's blocked and he lsoens his lock and shield thing. where the other guy walks into it and gets knocked down. The guy who put on the shield was going to take his chanvce while he was on the ground but decided nbot to because he might not have killed ihm sicne he wouldn't be quick enoguh ofr heavy stance. The other guy woh was knocked down slashes at it whiel theo ther guy does a qui gonn jinn kneel. theo ther gets back up and then wait til it goes on and charges with the saber into him but it gets blocked and then he does a force jump over him where they both change sides. Then the guy you can see form does force lightning whiel theo therr guy is runnig by him but taking damage alot. After that the one who was taking the lgihtning tries to take advantage of him while he's not ready and he misses because our guy steps back and then Gives a very heavy blow which kills him and knocks him off at the same time.


Seems quite good fighting to me yet you seem to be ignoring how much betrter it is in jk. also if it was jsut liek the movies then thep ace would ahve to be slowed down and youd have to pinpoint every movemnt and block everything at a slow pace or you'dh ave to follow a script of where to hit which isn't very fun so i think this is excellent stuff.

So stop moaning and appreciate!

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Also, if all duels were 15 minutes, it'd get boring rather quick (talking about SP)


Now, i expect the final boss to be a long movie like duel, but a reborn shouldnt be that hard to kill you know, maybe 30 seconds to 1 minute... of course, if you wanna stretch it and toy with him (them?), it's all good :)

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Give Hoth a break, guys.


Nerves are getting frayed the closer we get to the game's release, and everyone wants it (the game) to be beyond criticism.


That said, read his post again. He's not trolling, belligerant or foul-mouthed, just voicing a concern.


I have to agree, actually. It could be that we saw it played by a couple of guys who haven't really figured out the system yet, but even so it did look a lot like the original Jedi Knight. We didn't see a lot of sabres clashing, but we did see a lot of swinging and an occasional hit... which does detract from the sense of dueling.


There are plenty of other valid points made in the thread, too --


1. Controller technology and gameplay design just might not be up to par yet to present a more cinematic 'virtual duel'.


2. The sorts of duels we see in the movies are heavily choreographed -- 'untrained' people in the real world trying to fight with swords can look pretty silly (in fact, can often look like JK fights ;) ).


3. We need to play the final game and settle in before we make a final opinion.



But the guy wasn't making sweeping judgments, just voicing a concern. And in a civilized manner.


Also, the saber really is being marketed as the main thrust (no pun intended) of the game. It is the logo, after all. And while gun-weapons are fun, I'd venture a guess that at least 80% of us are principally excited to play a new sabre implementation.


I'm of course going to buy the game as soon as it comes out. I'm looking forward to it with baited breath. I'm sure I'll be in multiplayer pretty frequently. But at the same time, what I saw suggested that the dueling hasn't advanced as far from the original JK system as I'd thought. That concern may prove ultimately unfounded, who knows. We'll find out on the 29th.

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