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*POSSIBLE SPOILERS* If ne1 has some questions - I'm one of the German Giga guys :)


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Originally posted by Hobo-wan[RXz]

Can you get Eddie Wan Kenobi to post his thoughts on the game as well? Sure your cool, BUT EDDIE IS ALSO COOL >_<


Also could you please record yourself saying "The circle is now complete, when I left I was but the apprentice, now I am the Master" in a mixture of german and english? and then allow us to download it? Thanks !


Also feel free to .iso the game and send it to me, cheers!









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I felt your long post was not needed. Your replies to his quotes could of easily been kept to yourself, and thus we could have avoided such a disgrace of a maiden post. Basically what you said was what we all thought, but realised that there is no point in creating a 3 mile long post in doing so, a simply "Great info, thanks" is more than acceptable, and doesn't waste our time by having to scroll for 6 months to see the next post.


To "SPY_jmr1" : God....with all the troubles in my life.... how i'd love to beat your face in.




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Thanks for the WARM WELCOME! I feel almost at home.

"Unfortunatly" i come from forums (or forii) where posting long topics even if quoted is appreciated. And adding how narrow this forum is, no wonder it ended up so big, how could i have KNOWN that.


Anway. I'm really eager to see this 'dueling' feature.

I'll definitly be playing Lightsaber only on servers.


One question the good fellows at Giga could enlighten us, is how Force Grip works in SP and MP.

Can it be used to bash people into walls? Can you hold them up?

Does it work on a radius, as in, you can't make them come to you.

And also, (this might be interesting, even if it has been revealed) can you use two Forces together?


So you might use Force Grip on someone and then use Force Pull to bring them to you (is it Force Pull? Of SCHWUB =)


Anyway, Danke vielmals Hannes!

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Also for the Giga guys, can you give us some spoiler info on the MP Force Configuration system? Things like the different templates you can choose (Offensive, Defensive, etc.) how many total points you are given to put into force powers, and the cost of the various force powers? Thanks!


Also thanks SaberPro, you must be really bored =\




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Originally posted by GerM4N5010

A couple of facts to begin with:

(if they are considered spoilers...don't read on)


-just like RTCW, there are seperate launchers for SP and MP


-system reqs are quite moderate I think:

we played with 1024*768, 32bit color depth, 32-bit texture depth, trilinear, everything high and we got like 80-90 fps in Multiplayer on a P4 1,8 Ghz, Geforce 3, 256 MB

JK2 should run just like RTCW - Q3 Team Arena rocks!


i never liked the seperate exe's...oh well ;|

and the specs...i'll run fine, how was the fps tho?

i got 1.4ghz (amd athlon)

512 DDR ram and a gf3.

-the first level is an imperial outpost, Katarn and Ors go together and Katarn only has the bryar pistol at the beginning (he get's the sword back in level6 I think...)

secret areas are back in the game!

thats just...gay 6th level damnit! 4th was even 2 long for me in JK1 :(


-11 multiplayer levels I think:

+pretty large death star level with throne room, Obi-Wan-pulling the-power-lever-room, main hangar and some nasty pits...

+stardestroyer level with bridge

+2 massassi temple levels

+Raven Imperial offices level (someone remember the SOF one? :)

+1 or 2 Nar Shaddaa levels

+Bespin streets level

+Bespin Darth "No, I am your father level" (but not the exact architecture as in ESB...mod-mappers still have a goal ;)

+Imperial garrison level

forgot about the others

it's all good!!


-Raven did a cool job with the opacity of hands/weapons in first person: If you are using the sword, your arms don't have 100% opacity in some actions, you can slightly see through them so you still have control over where you're going...


-you can switch your saber off and still see the handle in your hands whilst running


-I like 1st person lightsaber mode very much...just so cool...

in SP you can choose between 1st and 3rd, in MP you're forced to play in 3rd person whilst using the saber. (but i guess a simple console tweaking would enable 1st person lightsaber in MP)

doesn't bother me much...won't use 1st pers. saber anyhow.


-there are three different styles to swing your lightsaber. You don't know them at the beginning but have to learn them.

you can bind a button to switch between them.

one is Qui-Gon straight up and near the head style, the others are handle to the left, blade up to the right and the opposite

i'm guessing that the qui-gon one is heavy, the second one you describe is medium and the last one is light.


-I don't really know how they influence combat, but just to have the opportunity to mess around with how you hold the saber is too cool...


-If the saber is ignited you deal damage if the saber blade hits an enemy (ooops)

i think it works so that heavy hits slower but deals more damage (and can knock past light and maybe medium defences) while light hits the fastest weakest chance to block against heavier stances and is the weakest.


-If two multiplayer-characters stand next to each other and do nothing, they will start to fight (start attacks/blocks with the saber)

thats so sweet!


-lightsabers cast very neat lights on the walls, sometimes the light will fall off upwards or down, dunno if this is a feature or a bug ;) (as seen in the multiplayer video)


-you can cut through glas with the saber and if you jump from high up on a glas window it breaks (Action! Half-life style)


i don't think the casting of light on sabers is a bug, and the glass is cool, but can u like pull an enemy towards u through glass?



-to block lasers/energy bolts the only thing you have to do is do nothing with the saber.

To throw, just press alternate fire.

(you can loose your saber)


-the walljump is easy too, but only works if the height of a wall is right. you have to run towards the wall with pressing strafe left/right and forward at the same time and then jump when near the wall (hold down jump whilst wallwalking)


can u run at the enemies and still block or do u have to NOT move at all?


-now on to some things we don't know about (the guy from Activision neither): you can duel with multiplayer opponents: just press the duel-key when an enemy is in your crosshair and you will invite him to a duel, if he/she accepts both players start to "glow" in the same color.

what dueling means I don't know...maybe more points if you kill someone in a real duel? I have to play again...too bad that I'm on vacation right now... :(

this one of the coolest features, combined with duel mode, we got some awesome gameplay!!


ok now I'm tired of typing...I'm going to bed now (after watching the Clone War Trailer for the 67. time... ;)


damn u! ;(

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I'm also pondering on that 2/4/6 system based Force.


Certainly there are 3 levels for each Force (and the 3 LS abilities)

but the 2/4/6 point system is elusive.


Btw, they didn´t use all the points while configuring. =P

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Yeah I was the one immitating Vader...I also did a German Palpatine in the throne room

"everything is going as I have forseen Lord Vader eh ehe"->

Alles entwickelt sich so wie Ich es vorhergesehn habe Lord Vader eh eheh


We often do stupid jokes in our show...when we showed the game Tropico we put all those tropical plants on our desks and wore Castro outfits with cigars... ;)

We once even had a racing car for F1 Racing Championship...



Yeah I played Dark Forces and JK1 a lot...


Yes the thermal detonator animations were a bit off...it really seemed as if Kyle popped them out of nowhere...maybe that was our version...Activision said it wasn't the Gold master so some things still could be up for tweaking


Force jump: I had the impression, that when I was using force jump I had quite some air control and when force jumping the character (always?) made forward somersaults.

when the force power was drained he went back to normal jumping without somersaults. so the somersaults seem to be force jump exclusive

If I remember correctly you jump higher if you hold down jump longer...but dunno exactly if the peak of your jump comes after you let loose or before...


Force Speed: my estimate is that you become 50-60% faster with force speed. due to the motion blur it's also harder for the enemie to hit you with blasters...

and damnit: didn't try to combine jump and speed but I think it's a natural that you will jump even higher...


Sight: I only saw a low skilled sight, the character started to glow yellow, dunno how it looks if he hides behind a wall or you have a higher sight skill...bummer


3rd person crosshair: I know it looks odd, but it feels perfectly natural while playing the game. it's a lot better than the single pixel in Max Payne. I think the odd look comes from the crosshair calculating where you hit: if you point it towards a trooper, the crosshair will "pop onto" the trooper and show you the hitzone on the poor guy (rather than just staying fix and pointing through him) did that make sense?


Regarding the Jedi Battlegrounds map:

There was a multiplayer map "Jedi tournament" or something like that...maybe there was a battleground too.

(I know that the battleground map is one of the favorite JK1 maps)

there is a map with some temple ruins in it, but dunno if it will resemble the battlegrounds map...


sorry, the onyl CTF map I checked out was "bespin ventilation shafts" and it looked quite mirrored (both teams have the same base/paths to the other base)


Things that weren't in the giga vids:

-I saw a pretty impressive cutscene were a transporter with Kyle on board entered an imperial hangar in the vicinity of bespin...troopers marching around and stuff...all with engine graphics


-In the rocky AT-ST level there is a huge ion cannon, TIEs flying overhead, I saw one coming down burning and crashing in the canyon walls...


-you can kill Luke and Jan Ors quite easily...so better watch out ;)

-when you kill off an AT-ST unit, it's legs come down and the head falls between the legs...100% ROTJ...


-the console has a moving stars backdrop and a big Star Wars: JK2 logo in the background


-there are plenty of settings for multiplayer: with lightsaber, lightsaber only, with/without force powers, level of force powers, win conditions, settings for bots...



Trust me: This game is so worth it! Finally a new Star Wars game with cool graphics, awesome gameplay and story and endless possibilities for mods and stuff!

LucasArts are quite the genius with their new strategy:

Everquest guys do Galaxies

Elite Force guys do JK2

Baldur's Gate guys do KOTOR

DS9 Fallen guys do new Indy game


that's the way it goes! rock on Lucas! ;)

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ok for starters you need to learn whos "face i'd like to pound in" or somthing like that, BEFORE you say it.


2nd consider the fact that if it was a qoute (dont know never seen that movie) it was not noted as one, and was taken out of context and aplied in a insulting maner to someone who just wanted to make a point. yes his post was a little on the long side but do you see ANYBODY ELSE *****ing about it? NOOOOOOOOOO.


3rd: I'd like to hear theses so called problems in your life.

I really need a good laugh right about now....... anybody else need one???


4th even tho i think personly you are a moron, you are a person, and deserve a welcome gift like anybody else, hear *forks over lightsaber(re) candy bar gift TM* enjoy;)


edit:with a line like this "Also feel free to .iso the game and send it to me, cheers!" kidding or not, i am amazed you have not been yelled at by a mod.


also be a equal opportunity moron and ***** to the other guy who did "force long post level3":D :D :D

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sorry, the onyl CTF map I checked out was "bespin ventilation shafts" and it looked quite mirrored (both teams have the same base/paths to the other base)

That is good. We were afraid that DM maps would be adapted for CTF.

3rd person crosshair: I know it looks odd, but it feels perfectly natural while playing the game. it's a lot better than the single pixel in Max Payne. I think the odd look comes from the crosshair calculating where you hit: if you point it towards a trooper, the crosshair will "pop onto" the trooper and show you the hitzone on the poor guy (rather than just staying fix and pointing through him) did that make sense?

hmmm. I'll have to play to know how it feels. Do you know if it can be fixed?

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Originally posted by Chanke4252

ROFLMAO @ SaberPro.


I especially liked the Eddie Wan Kanobi one. Now I can listen to it over and over again.


Yeah heheheh I enjoyed those lines... :D


Interstingly I can't get to the Forums when I have my FTP server up...but I can access all other websites...weird stuff

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Originally posted by GerM4N5010

Force jump: I had the impression, that when I was using force jump I had quite some air control and when force jumping the character (always?) made forward somersaults.

when the force power was drained he went back to normal jumping without somersaults. so the somersaults seem to be force jump exclusive

If I remember correctly you jump higher if you hold down jump longer...but dunno exactly if the peak of your jump comes after you let loose or before...


Force Speed: my estimate is that you become 50-60% faster with force speed. due to the motion blur it's also harder for the enemie to hit you with blasters...

and damnit: didn't try to combine jump and speed but I think it's a natural that you will jump even higher...


sounds good!



Sight: I only saw a low skilled sight, the character started to glow yellow, dunno how it looks if he hides behind a wall or you have a higher sight skill...bummer



Regarding the Jedi Battlegrounds map:

There was a multiplayer map "Jedi tournament" or something like that...maybe there was a battleground too.

(I know that the battleground map is one of the favorite JK1 maps)

there is a map with some temple ruins in it, but dunno if it will resemble the battlegrounds map...


personally i didn't like BGJ a lot and from what you say about sight it sounds quite helpful in dark corners ;D


-there are plenty of settings for multiplayer: with lightsaber, lightsaber only, with/without force powers, level of force powers, win conditions, settings for bots...


good...very good....

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Originally posted by GerM4N5010

Yeah I was the one immitating Vader...I also did a German Palpatine in the throne room

"everything is going as I have forseen Lord Vader eh ehe"->

Alles entwickelt sich so wie Ich es vorhergesehn habe Lord Vader eh eheh


We often do stupid jokes in our show...when we showed the game Tropico we put all those tropical plants on our desks and wore Castro outfits with cigars... ;)

We once even had a racing car for F1 Racing Championship...



Yeah I played Dark Forces and JK1 a lot...


Yes the thermal detonator animations were a bit off...it really seemed as if Kyle popped them out of nowhere...maybe that was our version...Activision said it wasn't the Gold master so some things still could be up for tweaking


Force jump: I had the impression, that when I was using force jump I had quite some air control and when force jumping the character (always?) made forward somersaults.

when the force power was drained he went back to normal jumping without somersaults. so the somersaults seem to be force jump exclusive

If I remember correctly you jump higher if you hold down jump longer...but dunno exactly if the peak of your jump comes after you let loose or before...


Force Speed: my estimate is that you become 50-60% faster with force speed. due to the motion blur it's also harder for the enemie to hit you with blasters...

and damnit: didn't try to combine jump and speed but I think it's a natural that you will jump even higher...


Sight: I only saw a low skilled sight, the character started to glow yellow, dunno how it looks if he hides behind a wall or you have a higher sight skill...bummer


3rd person crosshair: I know it looks odd, but it feels perfectly natural while playing the game. it's a lot better than the single pixel in Max Payne. I think the odd look comes from the crosshair calculating where you hit: if you point it towards a trooper, the crosshair will "pop onto" the trooper and show you the hitzone on the poor guy (rather than just staying fix and pointing through him) did that make sense?


Regarding the Jedi Battlegrounds map:

There was a multiplayer map "Jedi tournament" or something like that...maybe there was a battleground too.

(I know that the battleground map is one of the favorite JK1 maps)

there is a map with some temple ruins in it, but dunno if it will resemble the battlegrounds map...


sorry, the onyl CTF map I checked out was "bespin ventilation shafts" and it looked quite mirrored (both teams have the same base/paths to the other base)


Things that weren't in the giga vids:

-I saw a pretty impressive cutscene were a transporter with Kyle on board entered an imperial hangar in the vicinity of bespin...troopers marching around and stuff...all with engine graphics


-In the rocky AT-ST level there is a huge ion cannon, TIEs flying overhead, I saw one coming down burning and crashing in the canyon walls...


-you can kill Luke and Jan Ors quite easily...so better watch out ;)

-when you kill off an AT-ST unit, it's legs come down and the head falls between the legs...100% ROTJ...


-the console has a moving stars backdrop and a big Star Wars: JK2 logo in the background


-there are plenty of settings for multiplayer: with lightsaber, lightsaber only, with/without force powers, level of force powers, win conditions, settings for bots...



Trust me: This game is so worth it! Finally a new Star Wars game with cool graphics, awesome gameplay and story and endless possibilities for mods and stuff!

LucasArts are quite the genius with their new strategy:

Everquest guys do Galaxies

Elite Force guys do JK2

Baldur's Gate guys do KOTOR

DS9 Fallen guys do new Indy game


that's the way it goes! rock on Lucas! ;)


Hey I thought you went to sleep :D


Very nice information. Thx a lot :)

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