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*POSSIBLE SPOILERS* If ne1 has some questions - I'm one of the German Giga guys :)


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How is controlling the lightsaber work?


Do you need to use the arrow keys to move your character then use the mouse to swing the lightsaber? You you move the mouse to match the lightsaber movement (Move the mouse right and Kyle swings right, move mouse left and Kyle swings left)?

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Ah it's so sad that I have a short vacation till wednesday...I can't give you real exact details like if there is a way of disabling the dynamic crosshair...


Multiplayer Force Powers configuration:


Each force power has three different skill levels.

e.g.: to get level 1 sight, you have to put 1 point in it.

to gain level 2 sight you need another 3 points and to be a real master of sight you have to put an additional 6 in there.

so this sums up to 1+3+6 =10 points to be a master of sight.


some force powers have 2+5+8, some have 2+4+6, 1+3+5 so there is quite some variation...


there are some predefined "classes" like defender, healer, swashbuckler, scout, knight...some of them still have some points to spend...


how many points does one have to spend? dunno...my guess is something between 60-100...100 hmmm...

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Arggh...6:30...and I wanted to watch oscar night with a friend tommorrow... sorry people have to sleep now.

I will check back here tommorrow and try to torture my memory a little more.


/now if I only had the work machine back at home...hmm it's only a 5 hour by train distance... ;)



ps: our website is: http://www.giga.de then click on the orange logo... if you want to check out the PC area, there is a nice article about the new Lara Croft in there with plenty of photos of the new model...tasty!

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Originally posted by GerM4N5010

ps: our website is: http://www.giga.de then click on the orange logo... if you want to check out the PC area, there is a nice article about the new Lara Croft in there with plenty of photos of the new model...tasty!


HEY! There is a LIVE! option! You can watch it on the web LIVE?! COOL! :cool:


edit - HAHHAHAHAHA your bio is funny :lol:

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I stopped myself from d/l the vids and resisted reading this for fear of spoilers a while but couldn't help it, feew no "killer" spoilers, thx for this info Giga guys.

So what's the situation witht teh crosshair? Does, it automatically move to the nearest "hit zone" to the crosshair on the enemy when u aim within a certain distance of the enemy, sorta like HL with autoaim on?

[E]I don't mean autoaim, although the description does sound like autoaim, what I meant was does it indicate the hitzone with autoaim off[/E]

Well if they say it 'feels natural' I guess it would help out in dismemberment:D

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Originally posted by Kurashu

Yeah, i remember watching the show once or twice when i was in europe.


Pretty wacky show. =P


Aww I wanna see that show :(


*cough* is there a [don't tempt me] version of the show? :D *cough*


Sorry Mod I was just kidding :)

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Yo German dude, did you say if you can run


Return to Castle Wolfenstien


Ouake 3 : Team Arena


You'll be able to run JK2? cause I can run both easy, my main concern is the system reqs.. Sorry if its already been asked brother...



Omega :sithm:

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Here's a question for you :)


Can you hold a key to be in a blocking position?


See, when fighting the AT-ST Kyle keeps his saber over his head constantly...




Also, does the meditating position in MP do anything special? Like recharge your force mana faster?

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Originally posted by GerM4N5010

We often do stupid jokes in our show...when we showed the game Tropico we put all those tropical plants on our desks and wore Castro outfits with cigars... ;)

We once even had a racing car for F1 Racing Championship...


Hahaha the Tropico show sounds like it would have been funny to see.


Either way, thanks for all the info!

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regarding the crosshair: I dunno exactly if it jumps onto an enemy when near it, but it definitely alters color. so if it is grey normally it get's red when over an enemy.


and no, there is no real blocking key. when Kyle blocked the AT-ST fire I think he hold the sword so high cause the shots came from above...you know the animation system is really complicated in JK2.


regarding system reqs: they should be just like RTCW...a little higher than Elite Force but if your machine can handle RTCW it can handle JK2...

the system video options are nearly identical to RTCW


dunno about what happens if you host a 16 bot jedi multiplayer game on your machine though...hosting a server, the AI calculations, everyone with saber ignited and jumping/flipping and dicing should really push a good machine to it's limits...but no more than Medal of Honor: AA I hope (which has slightly higher sys reqs than RTCW)


cu guys in the throne room in just 5 days from now! woohoo!


Do you know if there are already mods in development? maybe an 16 jedi vs. AT-AT game? ;) that would be fun...

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