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Uk Version = Us Version ???


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Originally posted by Zwordman

Is the UK Version = US Version (Gore Level) ?


Are there Previews of the UK Version ?


What exactly do you mean by UK Version = US Version (Gore Level)? There shouldn't be any gore in any version...


If you want to UK Preview, come to my FTP, look for the file name uk_finalmix.mov, its about 94MB


I'll try to leave my computer on overnight again :)

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The German version, and to some degree more the other european versions may weigh in at a slightly larger megabyte count for one reason and one reason only.


The size of the sound files for the cutscenes.


The deal is that basically what the European release versions are are the same as the main release.


To modify language, an extra PK3 file is added to the foreign versions which overwrites the sound/voice and subtitles of the game with native language for whatever country the title is being sold in.


They don't remove the English sound/voice/subtitles at all. They merely add a PK3 file which superceeds the English version with the players native language.


Very simple to do really. As its just an SP PK3 file and doesn't effect multiplayer really at all.


So if you've got a single player PK3 file weighing in at 90 or so megabytes that covers the english sound files and subtitles. You can assume its still in there, but theres another 90 - 120 meg PK3 file that offers up the game in German, or French...or whatever.


And there ya go.


God sometimes everyone on this board acts like spoiled children. "Waaa they got something I didn't get. They got more stuff than I did."


Its the same game, any way you cut it. And NO ONE is getting it til the 28th.


And don't make me stop this star destroyer and turn it around because I will!

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I asked about gore cause i heard in our german version there will no animations of cutting bodyparts.


You have to change the skin pk3 (us to german).


I have also seen a screenshot with a flying head (cut by sword).


my question again: will this "feature" only be in the us version or also in the uk version ???

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