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Lucasarts allowing stores to sell Jedi Outcast in stores before March 29?


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My opinion:


LucasArts probably allows retail stores to sell their products as soon as the retailers get it.


BestBuy says March 27

EB says March 28


But the "official" release date is March 29...that day is probably when EVERY SINGLE store in US will get it for sure

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i dont think they can.. because IT HASN'T GOT THERE YET!!:D

but im willing to bet that once they actually recieve it on shelf it goes. Saw an ad in my Sunday paper 'Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Available 3/28 no later then 4pm'. I know that when i worked at Babbages there was no restrictions. But they are the largest game retailer in the world.......

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Well I pre-ordered the game from LEC, and it shipped today 03/26. I guess the stores will have them tomorrow, but that doesn't mean that they will have them up for sale the same day. I would say that Thursday would be the day it will be available in stores.

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Sheesh! I'm just glad it's earlier rather than later.


Can you imagine the STINK people would make if it were the other way around?! Just be GLAD it's early.


BTW, here in Saskatoon, Compusmart received 30 copies of it today (Mar. 27)

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