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Polish People On Jk2 Forums-gather!!

Jinn Tar-Nesh

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well i was born in america but my entire family was born in poland and pretty much raised there. So ic an speak a little polish but i understand it way better then i speak it. Does that makes sense, i guess not . lol I am 100% Polish pure breed in america lol.

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Sorry to hear that, Jinn Tar-Nesh. It's always more difficult waiting just that little bit longer... :(


Mind you...I've been waiting for Wizardry 8 to be released in the UK for months, now...and it doesn't look like it's going to happen. And I think there have been a few good-looking games developed in Russia that never made it out to the rest of the world.


We'll try to ensure you don't read too many spoilers by putting in the tags. ;)

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Hey! I'm fom Poland! Nice to see I'm not alone here ;)! How do you know the game comes out in May? I emailed LEM and they replied that is sould be out in March/April (however I find it strange they don't know the exac date so far:confused: ). It would suck to wait for JO one mounth longer:mad:.





Sorry that I'm posting while I'm banned, but I didn't want to miss this thread. Anyway I'd like to say something like "I didn't kill my wife!". I understand that was stupid to post that those pirate scumz has it but now everyone knows about it. So when will this temp ban be over?

Actually I never got my Chocolate Jedi Medallion :rolleyes:


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Do they translate the games into polish when they release them in Poland or do they have a general european version of the games? Just curious. BTW, I'm also a Polish guy living in America. The game's going to be here soon. :D

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