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Official: Lightsaber combat thread *SPOILERS*

Silent Wolf

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Yes I agree whole heartedly! That is good too because it looks like there will be much to learn and teach about this game! Hopefully I'll be getting it tomorrow. But we shall see! Anyway, my email is in my profile I believe. Anyone who wants to get together when I get this game and just have some laid back fun, feel free to email me!! For now though, I must be off to class!


General Theros

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I dont like a lot of keys either, but its not to bad on the old fingers ;).


Yeah i definetly suggest getting a couple friends together and practicing for a good couple of hours. It really helps, specially when u share thoughts on the moves u pull off yada yada.


Zek, the bots are VErY good, i didnt say it was easy i just said it was fun, like i said that was a 2 hour session, the bots can be unforgiving. Not cheap, just very stratgic. The only good way to beat a bot, is to out think him. I made sure the bots couldnt get me into my "weak spot" position. And with my partner, he would set em up, and i would knock em down ;). Besides, when i was playing by myself vs the bots, i got my arse handed to me lol, i was relived to say the least when he came. :)

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as a side note, im gonna host a light saber school on friday of this week. Come to #jediknight on gamesnet (irc). We should have 2-3 differnt servers with a couple of the guys ive trained with already. And im trying to iron out a deal with my work to get my own jk2 dedicated 20 man duel server ;). Everyone at #jediknight are advid jk2 fans, are genearlly nice people, however i tend to bite a bit :p See yall -_-, keep up the questions :)

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Yah they were all fighting me and my buddy. Its great practice for multiplayer, though my fingers were almost raw by the end. The bots in this game "hunt" you, i mean they really are dedicated towards kicking your but. The best example was when one saw me going somewhere and he ended up cutting me off. That damn bot gave me hell. I truly feared him heh.


I dub thee "uber bot" !!!:eyeraise:

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Ok, now I really want my new parts to show up..(Soyo Dragon+,XP1700, 256DDR ram, to go with my old Asus v7100 32meg video card)I will not even attempt at installing this game on my current rig...



My System


2 Very Old Mice

2 Red Running Wheels

Surgical Tubing

Duct Tape

1 Blue Plastic Propeller

(with rubber bands)

10" Black and White Monitor..



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What sort of controller setup do you use? In the old JK, I used a combination of mouse for my right hand (aiming, primary fire, and jump), Sidewinder gamepad (directional pad, secondary-fire, and activating button), and keyboard for inventory and force powers.


I'm sure there's gonna be some tweaking to find the optimal setup, but I'm just trying to get an idea of where to start and what seems to work for other people.



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*EDIT* /screenshot in console, or F10.


Another cool story:


I was playing a ctf mode and where the flag was in this room by itself encompassed by a HUGE ravine. To the right was a long narrow slit where people could see thru, this was mirroed on the left as well. When i went to get the flag, after going thru about 4 guys. There was this guy standing there with his lightsaber down staring right at me. He musta had it binded but i saw a litte message at the top of my screen say "come get some". (that still makes me laugh). I turned off my lightsaber and "walked" towards him, when i got close we both turned on our sabers at the same exact time and swung, we got into a saber lock, i won this time and he went flying back as i was about to strike him i noticed incoming blaster fire, i quickly turned and deflected the fire back at the sender and returned to my oppenent only to notice that he was now gaurding the exit, and 5 guys were on there way. In a quick move i force jumped "thru" the incrediably tiny slit in the window on my right and force speed to victory.

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i am familiar with that setup for jk. A friend of mine showed me that when it came out, it worked quite well. In this game however, i honestly feel as though it might be a hinderance. Force jump is binded to the jump button which for me is set as spacebar.

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i think my old jk1 controller setup is going to work out really nicely for this game. except ill swap out mouse button 2 saber throw for saber stance. ill definitly see ya in the chat Fri. thanks for the stories Wolf!

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hmm giving away my secrets :p


Im a default nerd.


I use the default keys in the game with a few tweaks.


Mouse speed: 8.0


reverse mouse


mouse smoothing


crouch = cntrl


force power cycle: z= previous , c = next


q= weapon quick change


everything else is default :)

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weapon quick change = changes to your next strongest weapon automatically.


Example: im pretty much a saber only whore, but in the event i need a gun to take down a sniper or something i press q and it changes to my strongest gun :) ...we got a man down over here!!!!


*looks at the dead sniper*




heh, one the things that made me laugh physically out load was force griping someone then holding them over your head b4 hurling them into a bottlemless pit. as if to say....your mine..skywalker... lol :p

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I never could use that key map system. I stick to:



Arrow keys for movement (left and right arrows for strafe not turn)

Insert (numpad 0) for jump

Control (right) for crouch

End for saber throw

del and pg down for force selection

\ for reload

Enter for use

mouse 1 for attack

mouse 2 for force

mouse wheel for zoom

as for nighvision or bantha and stuff like that i just map the fisrt letter of the item.

shift for saber stance



But thats just me

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Silent Wolf, how effective are some of these force powers in multiplay? Like grip, say level 3 grip, when you target someone and press the button does it instantly pick 'em up? Or is there a delay? How much time do you have to counter it? And what about the passive powers connected to lightsaber combat? How do they work? Defense and offense powers....does it make it easier to block blasters and sabers and does it allow you to do more damage or what? :)


General Theros

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sure, im a lefty so this might be a little messed up.


i use the mouse with my left and basically use a combination of the keypad and up,down,left,right arrows with my right hand.


for JK1 i used keypad: 5,1,2,3 for movement 1 and 3 being strafe left and right and 5 and 2 being up and down. right arrow for jump, down arrow for crouch, left arrow for walk, and up arrow for any force power that i didnt use much.


My most used force powers were 4 and 6 on the keypad. 0(ins) was heal, and period(del) was speed. i used enter on the keypad for absorb or acrobatics if i was playing SBX. + was activate and lastly 7,8,9 and the other 4 buttons above that were used for the least used force powers. almost forgot, right control is also used for anything useful to what type of mod/game im playing.

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Thats the exact same control I use, been using that for 4 years and its never let me down. I'm glad you posted that I was beginning to think everyone in the world was WASD.




Does Outcast have alternate binding? So I can setup a WASD and my usual Arrow Keys. That way perhaps I could change to the WASD, should not be to hard to learn a new key setup I hope, it just seems like this game will need a lot of keys. And while I have never liked WASD it may be a necesity.

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