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Official: Lightsaber combat thread *SPOILERS*

Silent Wolf

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This will be my set up:-


Mouse 1 = Fire 1

Mouse 2 = Fire 2

Scroll Wheel = Select weapon

Press scroll wheel (Mouse 3) = Lightsaber (Easy access)


w = forward

s = backward

a = strafe left

d = strafe right

ctrl = crouch

shift = walk

space = jump

q = next force power

c = use force power

e = use


That should be pretty much it, anything else I need I'll position around that area, it all fits perfectly round the hand =]

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I, too, am partial to the WASD configuration. I like having Q for cycle weapons and F as my "Use Force Power" I also have R and E for cycle powers and activate. I like how there's no reload. Shift for run, or if its auto (Like JKI) then change saber stance. Space is jump. C crouch. V for taunts heh heh heh

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I just played on a 20-player FFA and I found that in big groups of people I was killing around half the total people there by using the heavy stance and just aiming at at random people. Drain comes in very handy as well.


I remember on no less than 3-4 occasions where there were saber duels between a groups of 6-8 people i had between 3-5 kills because of them. Heavy stance is great when there's a lot of confusion and you're not getting directly targetted (compared to a duel for example.)


Just a thought..




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By randomally aim I mean target whoever you can have a succesful strike at. I just looked around, saw a player with his back turned, heavy overchop into the back of the head right down his spine - one hit kill ^^


Thanks SW, wouldn't mind learning some of those "funky" acrobatics though.. if I'm supposed to be your *****/Padawan I need to know how to do em =p




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Welp i was up with my partner in crime last night Agent404 and we discoverd a whole slew of HIDDEN MOVES!!!! omfg, sooooo tight. The saber is deep deep :) I can not wait for the training school on sunday, ive written down how to do most of them. Although there is one move that if it connects its unblockable and completyly darth maulish and im keeping that bad boy to myself and my clan mates ;) .


Tnx raven for making this game so deep.

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uuum. could some of you that have the game (lucky b*!!!!!#) please post some more stories about some duels????????

Also how long does each duel last without force powers but with lightsabers????????


the one and only daisy69

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Wolfs Jedi Training School is Friday - Sunday heres the layout:



Friday: Basic saber movments - Advanced Saber tatics/stratgies

-Advanced force power both light and dark

-Advanced dodging and blocking techniques.


On friday there will be 3-4 Trainers working with me, on a variety of differnt servers. The Trainers are just as skilled as i am. Friday will be the only day i will be dedicated to teaching.




Training School will continue, however i will be holding a Duel server, the best of the group will compete in a competition on Sunday.

-In the duel server i will Critique your fighting style and give you pointers on what to change.

-My trainers will be hosting the school training on saturday.




Saber school Best of the Best show down:


This will be a competition between the best students. It will be a full force battle. I will compete in this competion :), my hope is that someone will beat me :) .



Everyone is invited, however i will not be able to fit everyone in, hopefully throught the weekend you can attend. Training classes will vary in length depending on how fast a learner everyone is. This is just for fun guys, and my way of giving back to the community i feel is the nicest ive encounterd. Being a old school cs'er and fed up with that community, ive met nothing but nice people and i look forward to dueling you all :) .



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damn silent wolf... You sound like a bragger... But if you've earned it then :D




So uhm, what timezone you in, Texas? Wondering what kind of time the school will be at... since im in europe and would like to participate, but cant if its in the middle of the night (like 3 am or something), cause, lets just put it this way: I have parents :)

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I wasnt trying to sound cocky, because thats not my style. I like everyone to have a good time and adjust acordingly, but when i want to make a point i step things up. Anyways yes its at 5pm cst. Cuz i have to work for a living ;). Saturday the classes will run but i will only be dropping in and out until later on that night. My girl is coming over to help me pack, cuz im moving next month :)


I hope it didnt come off 2 cocky because there are quite a few people that im friends with that are better than me, im just holding the school because someone asked about it, i thought it was a good idea, and maybe id get to met some of u board members

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