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Question concering control setup for force powers...


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For those of you who have the game, how easy is it to set up force keys to easily switch between force powers? In JK, you could either make hotkeys that used individual force powers or use the buttons to go through the list of them until you come across the one you want. Going through the list was slow and by the time you got to the one you wanted it was often too late. It was hard to set a hotkey for all the force powers you used that were all easily accessible, especially if you have both a Dark and Light side character.


Has JK2 done anything to make this easier, or is it still pretty much the same system? Is it easy to use the force power you want, when you want? I understand there are at least two force powers that use regular buttons now(Jump and Saber Throw), are there any others?

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I hated the way u selected force powers in jk. It is quite easy to do in jk2. The default setup is good, i modified it a little but not much, i think i changed mabye 2 keys. Everything is fully customizable. Whats neat is that in the default all the force powers are binded to the f1-f12 keys, my brains is having trouble memorizing them all except the first 5 because man, that force push comes in handy :)

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All the force powers can be rebound to keys of your choice. Although people who use force push over and over again in mp get really annoying, i guess we'll just have to deal with their virtually unlimited supply of force power (force push hardly uses up ANY force power and can be used over, and over, and over again).

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if you dont like force push, or really any power being used against you, invest in force protection or force absorb. For every offesnive manuver in this game there is an equally as strong defensive manuver. Personally whenever people use force push i counter with force pull, it puts them in a rather compromising situation to say the least ;) .

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seeing as i'll be using the wasd keys, i'll make Q something i use quite often, like push, and Z X other powers, so thay are all reachable. F would be use current, and E would be use....


Lessee... wait, how do you make use of a 3rd fire teq? do i need a 3 button mouse? i got a cordless 2 button witha wheel mouse and most games don't recognise the wheel.:(


i'm sure i'll think of something!:p

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