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Impressions of level length - JO owners only please


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It's obvious that some of you in Australia have the game now. I was just curious what you guys think of the length of the level(s) you've played so far. Are they long, short, etc. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's curious. Thanks you lucky dogs. :D

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The reason I'm asking is because I've been hearing that there are 24 levels and that they are longer than the levels in JK. As far as I know, these are unconfirmed statements. If they are true, however, I will be an extremely happy camper.

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The first level was pretty huge, and still only 2 secrets.

Its a massive imperial base with all the usual Jedi Knight style key card puzzles and areas being locked off.

All your favourites are there stormtroopers, commanders, and the scout / probe/ defence droids.

All floating droids look awsome with electrical charges shooting about after every shot.

The "shield" droid can reflect your fire like some of the zombies in RTCW.

The probe droid is excellent, it complete disorientates your firing , like your drunk/on drugs.

40 minutes sounds pretty close to how long it took me (Not including crashes, but my computer doesn't like Q3 based games like MOH/ RCTW/JK2)

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