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Ok, for those who have the game, HOW DOES IT RUN, I MEAN FPS wise


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Originally posted by Lord Writhe

I am running:

Alienware Custom

P4 1.7

512 RDRam

Geforce4 Ti 4600


It looks completley badass, I have all of my settings maxed out, and my screen resolution at 1280x1024, and the game runs flawless for me.


You can go to hell and die! =) I envy you and bow at your superior system. =)


I have an athlon 1.2 @ 1.33.

256 ddr

geforce 2 pro


It should hopefully run fairly well, I need to get a better vid. card...but not until this summer most likely.

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i ran a dedicated server on my little pentium 500. It ran good, i then tried running the game. The vid card was a geforce 2 64mx, it ran very good. I was kinda shocked. However id recomend 700 and higher, or your gonna have some slow downs espcially later on in the single player game.

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hi, I don't have the game but I can tell you that It will most likely run very smooth since its using the quake3 engine. You should be able to run the with all the options turned all the way up at 1240 x 1024 with no problems.

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I'm 23 and I don't go buying games all the time so it's not like I spend a fortune on games. Also, my computer is pretty nice, but it's not stuff I've gotten all at once. It's all about upgrading only necessary parts as you have the money. Besides, computer stuff is getting relatively cheap now (except those new GeForce 4 cards...arg).

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Originally posted by L'Equa Sinar

My spec:


AMD Athlon Xp 1600+ (~1394mhz)

256 MB DDR Ram

Geforce II MX II 400 64MB DDR

Elite Systems Mobo

Matsui 7200rpm 13.7Gb HDD


I run MOH:AA @ 1024x768x32 w/ highest possible detail and it runs purrrrfectly :D

we all pimp out your mom :D j/k
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The way you can afford a good pc is to build it yourself.....


I bought an athlon xp 2000+, soyo dragon+ motherboard, 512 DDR ram, geforce 4 mx (I didn't have the extra 200 bucks to get the 4600 ti) 60gig ibm 7200rpm harddrive, cdrw, cd drive, floppydrive, computer case, and windows xp home........$1056



ooops !! I kinda got off ttrack here........ sorry about that!!

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Originally posted by Leinad744

The way you can afford a good pc is to build it yourself.....


I bought an athlon xp 2000+, soyo dragon+ motherboard, 512 DDR ram, geforce 4 mx (I didn't have the extra 200 bucks to get the 4600 ti) 60gig ibm 7200rpm harddrive, cdrw, cd drive, floppydrive, computer case, and windows xp home........$1056



ooops !! I kinda got off ttrack here........ sorry about that!!

shoulda bought an ati8500 of a gf3 ti200. both are much better than the gf4mx. the gf4mx is acutally a gf2.
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Hit shift+~ (That's shift and tilde, the squiggle to the left of the 1 key), this will bring up the console. (a text box that drops from the top of the screen)


From here you may enter "cg_drawfps 1" without the quotes and hit enter.


Smack the tilde key to get rid of the console and you should see the FPS (frames per second) in the upper right. This is a standard Quake 3 console command.


To get rid of the FPS you'll need to enter "cg_drawfps 0".


Note: It may be necessary to enable cheats by entering "devmapall" before enabling the FPS.


I have a P4 2ghz 256RDRAM GeForce 3 64DDR vanilla

running 1280x1024 bells and whistles cranked with the exception of no shadows, no sync, and no Anisotropic Filtering.


My FPS ranges from 50 to 90, depending what's going on in the game, though I've had it as low as 25 with my lightsaber stuck into the foot of an AT-ST, steam pouring out while it stood on my head (godmode). My system doesn't handle dust and smoke too well; I'm not sure any system does.


Anisotropic Filtering hacks 10 to 25 from my FPS.


Cranking shadows will do my system in; I haven't even looked at the FPS rate, it's just very bad.


Sync will mess with the FPS numbers, making them less accurate in my experience. You'll never get anything faster than your monitor's refresh rate (usually 60) and sometimes the FPS number will be half of what you would get with sync off, so you should turn off sync while testing.


I know it's not a 500mhz machine, but it's a reference. If you really need to know how it handles on a 500, I've got one with a GeForce 2 GTS 32mb and 256 RAM that I can try it on. Just let me know.



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mwahahah!!! feel the power of the dark Dell pc!!!! my specs:


Pentium4 1.8

64mb geforce2 mx

256mb ram

harmon kardon speaker(just proud of it)

sb live value!


mwahahah!!!11 check it out! I haven try to look at those fps yet tho...

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I'm running a pIII 900 mobile, with a geforce2go 16mb (equivalent of a gf2mx) and 320mb of ram. At 640x480 with all the details as low as they'll get, 16 bit colors, bilinear filtering etc., I get 40 fps max standing by myself alone. :(

But this summer I'm upgrading to a athlon xp 1900 and gf4 ti4600, which should improve things a little. :D

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Excuse me guys but the question that was first posted here was "how well does it work for people with computers less than 500mhz?" he didn't ask "what are your comp specs?". IM interested in this guys question being answered cause im in the same position, i don''t want to see all you guys boasting about your PC i don't CARE!!!! UNDERSTAND... DON"T CARE!!

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Originally posted by the_immortal

Excuse me guys but the question that was first posted here was "how well does it work for people with computers less than 500mhz?" he didn't ask "what are your comp specs?". IM interested in this guys question being answered cause im in the same position, i don''t want to see all you guys boasting about your PC i don't CARE!!!! UNDERSTAND... DON"T CARE!!


I think my answer ought to be helpful to you. I have a PIII900 and a gf2mx, and it runs pretty badly, so on a 500... :|

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Athlon 1.4@ 1600MHZ

Asus V8200 GF3 @ 240MHZ Clock & 550MHZ Ram

Abit KT7A Raid mobo

764MB Crucial pc133 Ram @ 143MHZ

S/B 5.1 Surround

Klipsch Spkrs

19" Sony Monitor




"Hand built by the gods" (me). :)


1280x1024 32 Bit all to da max


95 - 100fps indoors

60-80 outdoors.




by the way....Dell systems suck ballz.:D

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