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Readme File *SPOILERS*


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Some people wanted this and I always like to help...

its pretty long and I dont have any space to upload to so this is a copy n paste.




LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC

Star Wars® Jedi Knight® II: Jedi Outcast™

Version 1.0




Thank you for playing Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast.

We recommend that you read this file to get the most up to date

information about installing, running, and playing the game.


Be sure to check the LucasArts website at http://www.lucasarts.com for

the very latest information related to Jedi Outcast.




System Requirements



Computer: 100% DirectX compatible computer required.


CPU: Pentium II 350 MHz or faster CPU required.

Pentium III or Athlon class 500 MHz or faster CPU recommended.


Memory: 64 MB RAM required. 128 MB RAM recommended. 128 MB

required for Windows 2000 and XP.


Graphics Card: 16 MB OpenGL compatible AGP or PCI 3D Hardware

Accelerator required. 32 MB recommended.


Sound Card: 16-bit sound card required.


CD-ROM: Quad Speed CD-ROM drive required.


Input Device: Keyboard and mouse required. Joystick supported.


DirectX: Microsoft DirectX 8.0a is included on this CD. You

will be prompted to install DirectX during installation of

this game if a more recent version isn’t already properly

installed on your system.


NOTE: DirectX may require the "latest" updates for your

operating system. This may also include the latest drivers

for your particular motherboard, sound and video hardware.


Installation: Installation requires 620 MB of free hard

drive space. We recommend that you have at least an

additional 200 MB of free space available after installing

the game for the Windows swap/page file and save games.


Multiplayer Support


Pentium II 400 MHz or faster CPU recommended for Multiplayer.

Pentium III 600 MHz or faster recommended for Dedicated Server.


Local Area Network Play: Supports up to 32 players via Local

Area Network.


Internet Play: Supports up to 16+ players via 56Kbps or faster

connection to the Internet.


Video Cards Supported


For a list of supported video cards at the time of release,

please refer to the Troubleshooting Guide




General Information



Installing Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast


Insert the Jedi Outcast CD into your CD-ROM drive. The launcher

screen will open automatically unless Autoplay is disabled. If

it does not, double-click on the My Computer icon, then the

CD-ROM icon. This should bring up the launcher menu. If it does

not, double-click on JediOutcast.exe in the window that opens.

Click on the top button from the following options and the

installer will guide you through the installation process.


* Install

* Help

* Analyze Your Computer

* View Readme

* View Troubleshooting Guide

* Go Back

* Options

* Visit http://www.lucasarts.com <http://www.lucasarts.com>

* Register Online

* View License Agreement

* Uninstall

* Go Back

* Exit


You will be prompted to choose Automatic or Custom Installation.

Automatic installs Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast into

the default location on your hard drive, along with installing

DirectX if your computer requires it. Choosing Custom install

allows you to change the installation location, and will also

prompt you if you would like the required version of DirectX

to be installed. The default installation location is

C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast.


Running Jedi Outcast


To run the game, click on your Start Menu, select Programs,

then LucasArts, then Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast and click

on Play Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast. This will bring up the

Launcher screen. Click on Play Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast

on the launcher and it will begin the game.


Desktop Color Palette


We recommend that you set your desktop to High Color (16 bit)

color. When playing Jedi Outcast with your desktop set to a

color palette other than 16 bit, you may experience various

problems while running the game.


Task Switching


Task switching is disabled when playing Jedi Outcast in full

screen mode. In order to task switch, you must change Full

Screen to Off in the Video Setup screen.




We recommend that you do not use CTRL-ESC while playing.


“Console” commands


Jedi Outcast’s console commands are primarily used for

development, testing, and product support purposes. Users

unfamiliar with these console commands should not attempt to

use them, as their use may result in game crashes, corrupted

graphics, and/or a variety of other issues. Console commands

and errors resulting from the use of console commands and/or

cheats are unsupported.




Due to the dual function of the NUMPAD (number pad) Keys, you

may experience problems when trying to enter numbers with the

NUMPAD (trying to type 4, for example, will also bring the

cursor over to the left). Because of this issue, we recommend

limited use of the NUMPAD in Jedi Outcast.





Jedi Outcast Manual Errata/Updates


On Pages 8 and 9, the manual describes two separate inventory

items: The “Inquisitor” and the “Seeker (Multiplayer).”

Although these two items are listed separately and with

different names, they are one and the same. The only

difference is, in multiplayer, the item doesn’t have the

ability to seek out other players (as the item does in the

Single Player game).


On Page 9, the manual describes Next Inventory Item and Previous

Inventory Item as being assigned to the left bracket key ([) and

the right bracket key (]), respectively. These descriptions are

reversed. By default, the right bracket key (]) is assigned to

the Next Inventory Item and the left bracket key ([) is assigned

to the Previous Inventory Item.


On Page 30, under the Autoswitch description, the manual

describes an Autoswitch option called “Higher Weapon If New.”

This option is not in Jedi Outcast.


On Page 30, under the Autoswitch description, the manual

incorrectly mentions that “Don’t Switch” is the default

setting for Autoswitch. The actual Default Setting for

Autoswitch is “Higher Weapon if Safe.”


On Page 32, under the Game Options heading, the manual mentions

a Cross Hair option. Jedi Outcast does not have an alternate

cross hair option to toggle through.


The manual doesn’t mention the existence of the option “View

Swaying.” This is an option that effects how the first person

view will display. If you turn it “On,” you’ll notice a slight

bounce to your character’s step while walking. If turned off,

there will be no bounce while walking. By default, the option

is set to “On.” If you experience headaches, dizziness, or eye

strain while playing Jedi Outcast, try turning this option off,

as the movement caused by the “View Swaying” has been known to

cause these issues with some users.


On Page 45 the manual doesn’t give credit to Charlie W. Smith,

who is LucasArts’ Installer/Launcher Programmer. We are

extremely sorry for this oversight.




Star Wars Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast Back Story

Originally Documented at:

http://www.lucasarts.com/products/outcast/html/spin.html <http://www.lucasarts.com/products/outcast/html/spin.html>





Report from New Republic security chief on Bakura


A complaint was recorded from nearby salvage operator

working for the New Republic in the Endor system. The

salvager was under contract to strip derelict Star

Destroyers orbiting Endor, but when his team arrived they

found no armor, shield generators, or power cores onboard

the starships. New Republic records indicate that only the

armaments were removed from these ships and all other

systems should be intact. While the breach of contract

issue needs to be settled by the Senate, a higher priority

should be placed on locating the missing equipment.


Report from Rogue Leader


While returning from a routine patrol to Phaeda, Rogue

Squadron encountered an old Sentinel-class Imperial shuttle

near Cairn, but it was lost in the asteroid field. I want

to request an intelligence report on all unaccounted Cygnus

Spaceworks or Sienar Fleet Systems transports and landing

craft sold to the Empire, as well as a list of possible

current owners for this type of ship. I recommend

increasing the New Republic presence in the Lenico system

until this ship can be identified. It is unlikely that the

starship is acting independently. Rogue Squadron is

currently heading into the Deep Core to look into the

connections between Admiral Horrsk and the rumors of rogue

Imperial ships forming allegiances with the warlords in

that region.




Report from independent agent, Kyle Katarn


To: Mon Mothma

From: Kyle Katarn


Mission to Tatooine successful. Imperial recruiters have

been rousted as planned. Imperial resistance greater than

anticipated - please adjust pay accordingly. Remnant

casualties low, but apparent ringleader dead (but not

before he could rattle on about being "reborn," whatever

that means). I have uncovered information that Imperials

are searching for "Force sensitive" recruits. Next time you

have a mission dealing with the Force, leave me out of it -

Skywalker is your on-call Jedi.


Report from NRI agent on Honoghr


Several sources report that Imperial Remnant forces have

been consolidating in the Outer Rim under the leadership of

former Imperial Navy Admiral Galak Fyyar. While the build-

up is still relatively small, it could pose a threat to the

New Republic should it continue. A background check on

Fyyar reveals that he was known more for his technological

innovation than his skills as a military leader during the

time of the Empire. He worked closely with the Emperor

before his death and disappeared for several years after

Palpatine's death. It appears his prominence in the Remnant

has grown significantly since he returned to action two

years ago.




Report from Senator of Varonat


Former New Republic officer Lando Calrissian recently

approached the Senate to request aid in increasing Cloud

City's security forces. He reported growing criminal

syndicate activities in the city, but gave no evidence or

details about the problem. We doubt Calrissian's intentions

and motives, since he has not officially held a position at

that mining colony since he left his post as Baron

Administrator nine years ago, and therefore denied his

request. A background check on Calrissian revealed several

questionable business dealings revolving around Outer Rim

mining operations, and it appears that since he left the

New Republic he has distanced himself from the Senate. My

staff believes that there are two probable courses of

action from Calrissian. The first would be to enlist the

help from his powerful connections still left in the New

Republic (the Solos and Luke Skywalker) to persuade the

Senate. Second, he may use his vast personal resources to

personally improve Cloud City's defenses. I would like to

file a request to gather more intelligence on Calrissian's

current connection to Cloud City and the settlement's

alleged problems.


Update on Jedi Academy recruitment


Luke Skywalker and his team are returning from Dathomir

where they successfully made contact with a prospective

praxeum student. Skywalker also mentioned several reports

from the Lenico system about a woman who uses Force powers

for criminal gain, but he has no knowledge of a Force-

sensitive resident of that area of the Galaxy. He has

requested an updated intelligence report on other possible

candidates for his academy.




Report from NRI agent on Tatooine


To: Mon Mothma

From: Captain Loftus


The recovery and incarceration team has arrived on Tatooine

as instructed. We have located the Imperial headquarters

previously raided by Kyle Katarn. His report was

understated, to say the least. Imperial casualties were

evidently very high. We have found only one terrified

survivor, who is en route to Coruscant for questioning. At

the risk of overstepping my bounds, I humbly request that

agent Katarn be prohibited from undertaking further

intelligence-gathering missions. He continues to exhibit a

run-and-gun attitude and ask questions with his blaster.

Additional report to follow once we interrogate our



Report from informant on Nar Shaddaa


A large shipment of Tenloss Disintegrator rifles have

disappeared from a cargo ship refueling on Nar Shaddaa. The

ship was bound for Belsavis, but there have been no

official complaints registered with the New Republic yet.

No information was available about who may have been

responsible for taking these rifles or why the shipment was

headed to Belsavis.




Request from Senator of Bilbringi


There has been an official request placed by a Senator from

Bilbringi to send a communications crew to the mining

colony on Artus Prime near the Outer Rim. One of the last

weekly transmissions from the colony administrator revealed

the discovery of a large deposit of Artusian crystals.

Since then, however, there have been no further

transmissions to the Senate regarding the collection and

processing of the Artusian crystals as required by New

Republic ordinance 20098-B outlining the handling of

substances considered unstable and/or dangerous.




Report from NRI agent on Bespin


After investigating the situation on Cloud City there was

no evidence of any major public disturbances that would

require New Republic assistance. The settlement should

therefore remain under the control of the local

authorities. As for Calrissian's connection, further

investigations are necessary. It is either a very minor

connection or a very well concealed one. I would like to

formally request the ability to make contact with

Calrissian personally to evaluate his current situation.


Report from NRI communications team


Several transmissions encrypted with an older Imperial code

have been sent from Kejim, the home of a defunct Imperial

listening post. Kejim has been abandoned since the

destruction of the Death Star. We are currently working on

breaking the code. The signal of the transmissions was very

weak and it is highly unlikely that Kejim is up and

operating again for the Remnant or anyone else at this





Report from NRI agent in Hutt Space


An informant on Nar Shaddaa has revealed some interesting

information. It appears that a garbage hauling and disposal

company from Nar Shaddaa has just won a contract to handle

these services for all of Cloud City. However, Cloud City

has never required this service before because they have

always recycled their garbage for use as fuel for the gas

mining operation. In addition, the garbage hauling company

is owned and operated by Reelo Baruk, a formerly notorious

Rodian gangster who has managed to keep his snout clean in

recent years. A thorough background check on Baruk revealed

that even though he was one of the most highly regarded

crime bosses in Hutt space (a difficult feat for a non-

Hutt), he has evidently turned his back on crime. All of

his company paperwork is official and registered with the

New Republic. It appears that he has become the only

legitimate businessman on Nar Shaddaa.


Report from NRI communications team


The low quality of the Kejim transmissions has made

deciphering the entire dialogue nearly impossible. There

are small pieces that are decipherable, however. The

transmissions seem to be directed to a Galak Fyyar, former

Imperial Navy Admiral who has been active in the Outer Rim

recently. It appears Kejim may be up and operational for

the Remnant after all.




Report from NRI agent on Coruscant


In response to the request from the Senator from Bilbringi,

a supply ship with a communications crew was sent to the

mining colony of Artus Prime. The ship was due back

yesterday, but has yet to return. And there have been no

transmissions from that ship since it reached the Outer



Request from Mon Mothma:


Locate agents Kyle Katarn and Jan Orrs in regards to the

Kejim situation. Give them no details on the situation, and

let me know as soon as they come in range of my personal

comm system, as I wish to brief them personally.




Report from NRI interrogation officer on Coruscant


Besides several stories about the questionable techniques

of agent Kyle Katarn, very little information was gathered

from the interviews with the Imperial survivor arrested on

Tatooine. He did however reveal that his orders originated

from Kejim, but after significant probing it seems as

though the Remnant entrusted very little information to

those operating on the desert planet. Request advisement on

next course of action with the current captives.


Report from NRI communications team


Kejim communications have been successfully translated. We

will transmit them to you immediately. Stand by. Also, Kyle

Katarn and Jan Orrs are currently coming into range, Mon

Mothma. You should be able to reach them by holovid..

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Game Control Issues





There are three kinds of jumps: non-force jumps, force-jumps

and force-flips. If you have no Force Jump ability, you will

always do a non-force jump. These jumps are very short. Once

you do have Force Jump ability, you can still do a non-force

jump by quickly tapping the jump button once.


Once you have Force Jump ability, you can do Force-Jumps

and Force-Flips (as well as some other acrobatics listed

later in this document). To execute a Force-Jump, press

and hold the jump button. If you want to jump in a

direction, run in that direction before jumping or tap that

direction at the start of the jump. If you hold down the

direction during the force-jump, it will become a force-



When you land on enemies from a jump, you will knock them

down and immediately jump off of them (or roll off them if

you are holding crouch). You have some degree of control

over the direction of this. You may continue an attack

into a jump or flip and you may attack in the middle of a

jump or flip.


Crouch Jumping


Sometimes you may find that there’s a ledge above your character

that is just out of range of your standard jump. In these rare

cases, try crouch jumping. By pressing the crouch key (default:

c-key) while near that ledge during your jump, you can pull

your characters feet up a little higher and possibly land on

that hard to reach ledge.


This is also an effective technique to use in multiplayer when

you’re trying to out-maneuver an adversary. If you crouch

and/or crouch jump, you become a smaller target that is much

more difficult to hit from a distance.




To lean, just hold the USE button and strafe left or right.

This feature only works in first person mode. You cannot shoot

while leaning, but you can use mind trick.




Acrobatics are key for evading enemies and allow you to

maneuver into a better fighting position.


Command: Forward or Backward or Strafe Right or Strafe Left

+ Crouch

Conditions: Must be running or landing from a jump.

Move Type: Roll

Description: You will roll in the direction you have

pressed. Rolling from a jump may help absorb some of the

impact damage. Be careful, though, because once you enter

a roll, your momentum will carry you forward until the roll

stops. You can still turn while rolling so you can use it

to outflank an enemy or avoid rolling off a cliff. You

may not attack during a roll.


Command: Forward + Jump x 2

(Press Jump once to jump and again to flip)

Conditions: Must be running towards a wall and have at

least Force Jump level 2

Move Type: Back-flip off wall

Description: You will take a couple steps up the wall in

front of you and flip backwards away from the wall. You may

end up behind a pursuer, leaving him open for an attack.


Command: Strafe-Left/Right + Jump

Conditions: Standing still with a wall to your left or right,

must have at least Force Jump level 2

Move Type: Right or Left-Flip off wall (respectively)

Description: You will take a couple steps up the wall to

your left or right (depending where the wall is) then flip

toward the opposite direction off the wall.


Command: Strafe-Left/Right + Forward + Jump

Conditions: Running with a wall to your left, must have at

least Force Jump level 2

Move Type: Wall-run on a wall.

Description: You will rise up off the ground and run along

the wall for a short time. If you hit the jump button again

in the middle of this move, you will flip off the wall.



Additional Multiplayer Detail



Server Setup Options


Listed below are explanations of the “Create A Server” options

that aren’t detailed in the Jedi Outcast Manual or in the

multiplayer interface’s “Rules” section. To access the server

options, click “Create A Server” from the Multiplayer Play menu.

From there, you will be brought to the server setup screen

where you can customize your server options.


Server Name: On the top right corner of the screen you’ll have

the option of naming your server. By default, the name is

simply “noname.” By clicking on the text, you can change the

name to whatever you like.


Maximum Players: This option allows you to set the server’s

maximum number of players in-game at one time. The lower the

number, the better performance you’ll generally get. LucasArts

recommends not going above the recommended limit of 32 players.


Time Limit: This is the number of minutes the match will last.

Once the limit is reached, the match will end and whoever has

the highest score (or the team with the most points) will be

the winner.


Kill Limit: This allows you to set the number of kills required

to win the match. The player that reaches that number first is

the winner of that match. Game Types: FFA, Holocron FFA, Jedi

Master, and Team FFA.


Duel Limit: This is the number of successful rounds (duels)

required for a player to win the match. Game Type: Duel.


Capture Limit: This is the number of times a flag or Ysalamiri

must be captured for a team to win the match.

Game Types: Capture the Flag and Capture the Ysalamiri.


Maximum Holocrons: This number defines how many Force Power

Holocrons a player can carry at a time. By default, the number

is three, so that when a player tries to pick up a fourth

Holocron, the oldest one is dropped. Game Type: Holocron FFA.


Friendly Fire: When set to “no,” teammates won’t be able to hurt

each other; their weapons fire, force powers, and lightsaber

will only effect members of the other team. When set to “yes,”

team members will be vulnerable to their teammates attacks.

Game Types: Jedi Master, Team FFA, Capture the Flag, and

Capture the Ysalamiri.


Lightsaber Only: This option allows the server administrator

to limit the game type’s weapon to the Lightsaber. When this

option is set to “yes,” all other weapons (guns, explosives,

etc.) are removed from the map. Game Types: All except Jedi



Allow Saber Challenge: This server setting determines whether

a player will be allowed to challenge another to a private

lightsaber duel. Game Types: FFA and Holocron FFA.


Force Mastery: This setting defines the number of points that

can be allocated to Force Powers when the player sets them in

the in-game “configure Force Powers” menu. Game Types: FFA,

Duel, Team FFA, Capture the Flag, and Capture the Ysalamiri.


Disable Force: Setting this option to “yes” prevents all

players from using any Force Powers during game play.

Game Types: FFA, Duel, Team FFA, Capture the Flag, and

Capture the Ysalamiri.


Light/Dark Teams: Setting this option to “yes” forces the Red

Team to only use the Dark Side of the Force, and the Blue Team

to use the Light Side (the Disable Force option must be set to

“no.”) Game Types: Team FFA, Capture the Flag, and Capture

the Ysalamiri.


Even Teams: If teams become unbalanced, this option prevents

new/connecting players from joining the team with more players.

If this option is set to “yes,” the new players can only join

the smaller team (until teams are even again). Game Types:

Team FFA, Capture the Flag, and Capture the Ysalamiri.


Minimum Players: If the server has less active human players

than the number inputted here, the server will add bots to meet

the minimum player requirement. Game Types: All.


Auto Map Cycle: When set to “yes,” the server will go to the

next map each time a match is completed. If set to “no,” the

server will reset the scores, spawn players in the same map,

and start the match over. To change a map in this case, a vote

must be called. Game Types: All.


Do Warmup: This enables a countdown before a game starts so

players can prepare for battle. Default is “no.”

Game Types: All.


Warmup Time: If the “Do Warmup” setting is set to “yes,” this

option will appear. It allows you to input the amount of time

you want the Warmup period to take. Game Types: All.


Enable Voting: Setting this option to “yes” allows players to

call for a vote to kick players, change maps, game types, etc.

(as detailed in the Jedi Outcast manual). Setting this option

to “no” restricts all voting. Game Types: All.


Dedicated Server: A dedicated server is a computer that only

runs a game for others. If you set the option to “LAN” or “Internet” (depending on the type of game you’re setting up) you

won’t be able to play the game from that computer, but the

server will run better for the other players than it would if

you were playing along with them. Set to “no,” the server will

allow you to play at the same time. Game Types: All.


Require Password: This allows you to protect your server with

a password. Only players who input the password when they try

to join will be allowed to play. Other players will be blocked

from the server. Game Types: All.


Password: This sets the password for your server. If “Require

Password” is set to “yes,” players must enter this password to

join your server. NOTE: Passwords are case sensitive.


Advanced Server Setup Options


By clicking on the “Advanced” text at the bottom of the server

setup screen, you’ll open a window that will allow you to

update the advanced server settings.


Friendly Saber: This option determines whether idle lightsaber

contact can damage allies.


Auto Join: This option forces players to join the game rather

than stay in spectator mode.


Pure Server: The client (a player attempting to connect to your

server) must have the exact same game code and data. If there

is a discrepancy, the client will not be allowed to join if the

option is set to “yes.” NOTE: this option helps protect the

server against cheat mods.


Auto Download: Setting this option to “yes” will allow connecting

clients/players to download new data and code from your server.

This is mostly used if you’re running a mod (map, skin, etc).


Minimum Ping: By setting the number, you’re restricting any

player with a ping (connection speed) lower than this setting

from connecting. Player’s ping must be this number or higher

in order to play on your server.


Maximum Ping: By setting the number, you’re restricting any

player with a ping (connection speed) higher than this setting

from connecting. Player’s ping must be this number or higher

in order to play on your server.


Max Rate: This sets the maximum data transfer rate to clients.


Reconnect Limit: This sets the minimum time allowed between

player/client connection attempts. The higher the number, the

longer a player will have to wait before he/she will be allowed

to reconnect to your server.



Multiplayer Caution


Server Disconnected Message

At some point while playing Jedi Outcast you might find yourself

at the Main Menu with a Server Disconnected error message. Some

reasons this may occur include:


* You may have changed settings in the Video Setup screen

between matches after readying yourself for the map change.

If this occurs, you should be able to re-join the game

through the Join Server screen.


* You may have been voted out of the game.


* You may have been disconnected from your ISP. If this occurs,

you will need to exit the game to check that your Internet

connection is still valid.


* The server may have been taken down or disconnected at the



Call Vote: Next Map Functionality


If a vote passes for “Next Map,” the result may not be what the

players are expecting, because the wording for this feature could

be easily misunderstood. To explain the function simply, the Next

Map vote is a function where players vote for what the next map

will be, not for the server to immediately change the map. If you

would like to change maps immediately, choose the Call Vote option

and vote on the specific map you would like to go to. If the Vote

passes, the server will immediately respond.



BOT Personalities


Bots will use the Force power and weapon that makes the

most sense at a given time. Although favored weapon and

favored Force power is listed, it does not mean it will

always use that weapon or ability. Bots that are aligned

with other bots have the propensity to not attack their

friends and will try to avenge them if they are defeated.

If a bot is listed as having no Force power, that bot will

use the stun baton instead of a lightsaber.




Luke Skywalker

* Very Fast Reaction Time

* Very High Accuracy

* Very High Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Heal

* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber

Aligned with Lando, Jedi and Jedi Trainer


Kyle Katarn

* Fast Reaction Time

* High Accuracy

* Very High Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Protect

* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber

Aligned with Jan, Mon_Mothma, and Morgan


Jedi Trainer

* Fast Reaction Time

* Average Accuracy

* High Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Absorb

* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber

Aligned with Luke and Jedi



* Fast Reaction Time

* Average Accuracy

* High Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Absorb

* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber

Aligned with Kyle



* Fast Reaction Time

* Average Accuracy

* High Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Heal

* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber

Aligned with Luke and Jedi Trainer


Jan Ors

* Fast Reaction Time

* Average Accuracy

* Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Heal

* Favored Weapon: Rocket Launcher

Aligned with Kyle and Mon_Mothma


Mon Mothma

* Fast Reaction Time

* Average Accuracy

* Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Absorb

* Favored Weapon: Disruptor

Aligned with Kyle and Jan



* Average Reaction Time

* Below Average Accuracy

* Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Protect

* Favored Weapon: Repeater


Bespin Officer

* Average Reaction Time

* Below Average Accuracy

* Below Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Absorb

* Favored Weapon: Flechette



* Average Reaction Time

* Below Average Accuracy

* Below Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Absorb

* Favored Weapon: Repeater



* Average Reaction Time

* Poor Accuracy

* Below Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Heal

* Favored Weapon: Thermal Detonator


Lando Calrissian

* Very Fast Reaction Time

* Incredible Accuracy

* Very High Agility

* No Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: N / A

* Favored Weapon: Rocket Launcher

Aligned with Luke



* Slow Reaction Time

* Abysmal Accuracy

* Poor Agility

* No Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: N / A

* Favored Weapon: Blaster Rifle






* Very Fast Reaction Time

* Very High Accuracy

* Very High Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Lightning

* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber

Aligned with Tavion



* Fast Reaction Time

* High Accuracy

* High Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Grip

* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber

Aligned with Desann



* Fast Reaction Time

* Average Accuracy

* High Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Drain

* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber

Aligned with Reborn and Galak



* Fast Reaction Time

* Average Accuracy

* High Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Drain

* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber

Aligned with Shadowtrooper and Galak


Galak Fyarr

* Fast Reaction Time

* Average Accuracy

* Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Drain

* Favored Weapon: Rocket Launcher

Aligned with Shadowtrooper and Reborn



* Fast Reaction Time

* High Accuracy

* Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Grip

* Favored Weapon: Repeater



* Average Reaction Time

* Below Average Accuracy

* Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Lightning

* Favored Weapon: Disruptor



* Average Reaction Time

* Below Average Accuracy

* Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Drain

* Favored Weapon: Repeater



* Average Reaction Time

* Below Average Accuracy

* Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Drain

* Favored Weapon: Bowcaster



* Average Reaction Time

* Below Average Accuracy

* Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Grip

* Favored Weapon: Disruptor


Lieutenant Cabbel

* Average Reaction Time

* Poor Accuracy

* Below Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Drain

* Favored Weapon: Repeater



* Average Reaction Time

* Poor Accuracy

* Below Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Grip

* Favored Weapon: Repeater



* Average Reaction Time

* Poor Accuracy

* Below Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Rage

* Favored Weapon: Repeater



* Average Reaction Time

* Poor Accuracy

* Below Average Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Grip

* Favored Weapon: Flechette



* Slow Reaction Time

* Abysmal Accuracy

* Poor Agility

* No Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: N / A

* Favored Weapon: Blaster Rifle




© 2002 LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC.

© 2002 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM or ® as indicated.

All rights reserved. Used under authorization.

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Originally posted by darky

I take it you have the game then?


yea, I have it. just dont overhype this game, the sp is a maze of "pull this go there" stuff... saber is useless. All I can say is that MP is a very well made MOD of q3. It should be free.. downloadable for q3. Dont expect a revolution like old JK.


Go ahead be immature and flame, who cares? All the revievs that landed on 90% are right.. its a 90% , not a 95% like we wanted it to be.

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Hell yes! Some of the bots dont have force powers, which means they dont have sabers :)


Especially: TK-421... = stormtroopers


so my scenario can be done :)


Me as a Jedi in a team match with me on team alone (or with other jedi bots) vs no force no saber stormtroopers on other team...



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Lorewin, I'm not doubting you have the game, but could you make a few cool pic posts.


Also, I am a HUGE Sp fan. Do you not normally like SP and this is why you did not like it in the game or is it that bad in your opinion?


Also, considering what you said about the MP and Sp , why give it a 90% in your opinion?

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I will have my retail copy (payed for) of Outcast tomorrow. So I will post impressions later tomorrow. Look for my post.


Some spoilers will be present, most likely, but no huge plot ones. I am trying to get hold of a digital camera to take pictures of the box and manual, so hopefully I'll have some pics.

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You are not the only one, Tie Guy. I have Pentium III 450, 256 MB ram and Asus 3400 TNT(Riva TNT with 16 MB). I have needed to upgrade almost a year now(that haven't stop me buying newest games though) and only now I have enough money, but I'm still waiting for Ati to publish Radeon 8800(RV250). Until then I just have to play JK2 with all visuals down and in 640x480x16; damn I envy those of you who can play in 1024x768x32. BTW, I like the ability to pull your characters feet up a little higher while crouch jumping(just like Luke used to do in RotJ). ;)

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Guest Apparition


* Fast Reaction Time

* Average Accuracy

* High Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Drain

* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber

Aligned with Reborn and Galak



YAY!!! Shadowtroopers have lightsabers.

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Originally posted by indianajones9

Lorewin, I'm not doubting you have the game, but could you make a few cool pic posts.


Also, I am a HUGE Sp fan. Do you not normally like SP and this is why you did not like it in the game or is it that bad in your opinion?


Also, considering what you said about the MP and Sp , why give it a 90% in your opinion?


well I can take some pics, but dont have any space to upload to.

I usually like SP, Max Payne was awesome, it was the lates sp game i played.


Also, considering what you said about the MP and Sp , why give it a 90% in your opinion?



I only mentioned the cons, Its a very well made. game u can tell raven has put effort in the MP part, even alot of work in the SP.


Sp seems to be huge.. thats just the problem . a little to big.

Endless mazes of hallways, its quite frustrating to wander for 30 mins and end up right where u started. Also the problems makes no sense at all..


I would stay away from it SP. Try it if u are a big fan of endless corridors


The MP Duel games boils down to, who uses most Force Powers.

Its quite sad. Always Drain , drain drain drain. That skill should be removed.. I always kick ass when I use this boring combo of drain and other powers like grip of push. But If I play like everyone else its a 50/50 cause no one really has controll of the saber.


there u have it..

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Thanks for the Readme post, man!! Great idea!


I'm one of those who still is nervous about buying this game when I don't know if my Voodoo5 will even run it.


Can you find anything in that "Troubleshooting guide" about that?, Thanks.

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