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Will I be able to run smoothly JKII:O ?


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Ah the ultimate question. We are so close to actually be able to get the game... Anyway, I am currently having doubts that I'll be able to run JKII well enough to enjoy my experience. My last experience with MOH:AA (Another Quake III based engine game) was less than stellar. My computer had a hard time playing it will with good graphics. I know that I am above the "minimum requirement", but everyone knows that those minimum requirement are usually well, too low to reflect anything.


Anyone, I just wanted to know if you thought I had chances to play JKII well with this computer:


Pentium III 600Mhz (True pentium III, not celeron)

Ati Radeon 64 DDR

512 Megs RAM

Windows XP


Anyone, if I need to set details to low to get descent FPS, I think I'll pass along. Playing with low details would ruined such a great game. Any idea if I will be able to get smooth FPs with high details with this computer ? With some details high, other medium, no shadow in MOH:AA, I had trouble keeping my computer in the 20FPS on 1025X768X32. I just hope JKII runs better than that...

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Bleh, suck on my 1.6 GHz TBird, 256mb and GeForce 3 :D


83fps 1280x1024x32 everything on full in Q3A :p


Give me the game!!!


MOHAA is a VERY demanding game, and according to various different people if you can run Wolfenstein that's about as similar as requirements go to JK2. But basically to test out to see how you're game will run, try Team Arena and wee what happens. If you're computer can't run that, the you're really going to struggle with JK2. With your system, I'd recommened a GeForce 3, it should helpe considerably =]

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Originally posted by Scrobes

Is JO confirmed to actually work on WinXP?


Anyone.. Chang, SilentWolf?


I'm no ChangKhan, but yes, Windows Xp is fully supported for Jedi Outcast, hopefully my system should run it fine:


AMD Athlon TBird XP 1600+


geforce II MX400 64MB DDR

eliteSystems Mobo

13.7GB Fujitsu 7200rpm HDD :)

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Don't worry!! you'll be just fine with your 'puter system bud. But it's just that when you whipp that light sabre out, it's not gonna look as awesome thats all!! ;)


Just kidding.....Return to Wolfenstein ran just fine on my p2 450 mhz with a 32mb graphics card, so you will be able to play the game I'm sure.


Hey!! I wonder if jk2 will run on my new athlon xp 2000+ with a geforce 4 card and 512 mb DDR ram??? ;) what do you think guys??

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