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I hope this hasn't already been addressed (I hate getting repeat Q's myself)...


What's the report on 'civilians' in the game? One of the fun aspects of the original JK was protecting civvies from the bad guys (or blasting away mercilessly).


Any word on what kind of non-combatants we might run into?


Jedi Kreel

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Both Ugnauts and droids come to mind first and you will run into former ones while in Cloud City. I even remember Brett Tosti saying that there will be NPCs helping you there, but if you look overally locations featured in the game, most of them are hostile worlds and populated by imperials, so friendly NPCs are minority group wherever you go. BTW, welcome to the community! Enjoy your stay. :D

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There will be innocents in the game. If you save them from danger, or just be nice and don't kill them, some of them could give you weapons/ammo, or show you a secret area, or an easier way past a heavily guarded checkpoint.

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Thanks for the welcome and info Lord_FinnSon. Been itching for this game ever since they cancelled the PC version of Obi-Wan. Played the original JK in '97 and loved it. Looks like they've raised the bar on this one.


Can't wait!!


Jedi Kreel :D

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That was only my speculation, because we haven't seen any real civilians(at least I haven't) in screenshots or videos, so I can only guess ugnauts are one helpful race you encounter because they "form the majority of the working class in Cloud City." Then there are all those protocol/power(gong)/astromech droids found throughout SW galaxy which usually have their own specific duty to fulfill and provide help whenever necessary. It occurred to me that Raven might have used some of those enemy models(grans, rodians, weequays and trandoshans) also as possibly-hostile characters(like in MotS where some of the enemies attacked you only, IF you threated them) especially in Nar Shaddaa.

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