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Are stealth tactics impossible in MP?


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Originally posted by Zek

People probably won't use force sight at all unless they think someone is invisible nearby or they know someone is camping.

Seeing was used permanently in JK by most good players. I don't know how much mana it uses here, so it could be used less.


Moved to strategy...

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Hmmm, I just had a thought....


If I am camping out, waiting to ambush unsuspecting foolish jedis, even if they do occasionally use force sight and see me camping, I can also use force sight to see if they know where I am and are coming for me. Oh the beauty of the possibilities!

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Everyone pretty much said it all, so I will sum it up. Mind Trick is not infallable. At its first level, it is almost worthless because you never know when you show up to other people. At its second and third levels, it becomes quite a useful tool as you can keep invisible for quite a while, but then Force Seeing can always discover you. Most people, however, do not run around with Force Seeing on if they have it at all...they would rather use their force pool on Grip, Lightning, Absorb, Speed, Push, Saber Throw, and the ever-present Jump. The fact is, unless someone sees you go invisible or hears you miss them, they will not think to use Force Seeing and find you.


Stealth is possible, it just isnt common.

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