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*possible spoilers* this game rocks the house


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ive been playing this game since 10:00 this morning (5:30pm now)

and i thought i should stop and let it be known that this game rocks harder then any game has rocked before.

teaming up with luke-bot and playing against darkside bots is indescribably cool


though i think they shouldn't have put the head bad guy on one of the screen shots as the game installs kinda ruins the suprise.


is that a spoiler?

hope not



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Originally posted by patchx

though i think they shouldn't have put the head bad guy on one of the screen shots as the game installs kinda ruins the suprise.


Well, in the SP game, you don't have to wait until the end of the game to see him, so it's not ruining a huge surprise or anything... but it is a bit odd :)

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