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Recording Battles


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Considering that JK2 is using the Quake 3 engine is it possible to record demos like in Quake 3? I ask this because like in Quake 3 a lot of us like to record our greatest matches (in the case of JK2 best light saber duels!). If this is possible it can open up a whole new area of demos. Like back in the days of Quake and Quake 2 where there were Quake movies that use a combination of custom maps, demo recording, and sounds to make a virtual movie watchable through the game. I am sure this would appeal to a few people out there, but is the demo recording feature in JK2?

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I personally have not recorded anything with the Q3 engine but I do know that it will use the same commands that you use in other games to say.... display your FPS in a game etc... so the same commands that you use to record your games should be the same commands in JKII as well. The cheat codes may be different of course but the developer is the one who decides what those are.

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Funny you mention that, me, sico, and a few others from [RXz] were planning on re-enacting some of the Star Wars scenes in the game. We are probably going to get some modellers and mappers to make some new models ie. Emperor, Vader, etc. and new maps such as Hoth and Yavin


Potential scenes include:


-Episode IV: When Vader chokes the Admiral because he finds his lack of faith disturbing (in the boardroom of the first Death Star)

-Episode VI: When Luke tells the Emperor that he'll never turn to the dark side, and so the Emperor says, SO BE IT - JEDI before proceeding to own him

-Episode IV: When Obi-Wan and Vader square off.

-Episode V: When Luke and Vader square off in Cloud City or wtf ever its called.


Anyone thats interested in helping out with this stuff feel free to email me at hobo@roxorz.net






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i recored a awesome demo last night, it was cool cuz the battle was one of the best i had. We got into a saber lock in it as well which was smooth as heck. to record demo, go to console (shift + ~) then type /record "demo name here" . There is a demos directory in your lucasarts directory where it stores it. =)

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