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Q about pings


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Sure, it's acceptable. 180 isn't a great ping for a broadband user, but it will get the job done. It depends a lot on the server, too. My cable will be getting about 120 on average servers, which is more than fast enough to compete on the Q3 netcode. I'd say anything under 250 is manageable, speaking from my 28.8k and 56k background. Others that have been spoiled with broadband for years may say that 120 is too high for them. There's a lot of preference involved.


Enough rambling. ;) That ping will be fine.

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That should be fine...


I'm on a 56k modem, and played lastnight. I lowered my rate to 3000 in the console, and that dropped my ping down to 200-250 range.


On a friends cable modem, the game was basicly lag free in our saber fights. I had a bit of a slow down a few times, but it happed like 2 or 3 times in a 20 min game, and only lasted a sec or two.


After JK, playing JK2 is a dream come true for a saberest lag wise.


I mean, in JK2, I can swing and honest expect to hit based on where the other persons model shows up on my screen. Unlike in JK, where I tipicaly had to email him a few days in advance that I was going to swing now ;)

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