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Ok What Gives Man(read This)


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Why doesn't my sky move in JK2? Really people. you guys took so long to make this game but yet the sky doens't move? I asked a bunch of people if there sky moves and they also said no. ANd tehre isn't stars in a bunch of maps. VERY POOR SKY. bring down the whole game.


I just don't get it. Q3's sky move. Well you can turn it off if you want. BUT IT MOVES! Gives it a nice real life affect too. Like the world is moving with you. Is there some console command that i have to turn to have the sky move? CG_TURN THE ****ING SKY 1?

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Well I can't say since I don't have the game yet but it might be because of your system specs. I could be wrong since you may have the fastest system of anyone here but I know that the game will set itself to run the best possible fps! As far as taking forever making the game I think you might be confusing Raven with 3D Realms and Duke Nukem: Forever. Raven has only been working on this game 1 year and 1 month I believe. Most developers (good ones too) take a minimum of 2 years and it's usually around 3 and up. So Raven is AMAZING considering they not only made this but did some major modifications too it. Only about 10% of the original Q3TA code is left...and that's straight from Raven!! :D

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I can't offer you any details on how to get the sky to move, but look at it this way.


When the first JK came out, it came with a handful of simple maps. Now look at the leaps and bounds the community has taken with the JK maps over the years, we just have to wait.... I just want a damn Theed Palace level.....

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Guest Apparition

They took so long to make this game? This game had the shortest development cycle ever. They made the game in about a year. Most games take 2-3 atleast. Before you make a statement make sure you're right about it.

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Well I can't say since I don't have the game yet but it might be because of your system specs. I could be wrong since you may have the fastest system of anyone here but I know that the game will set itself to run the best possible fps! As far as taking forever making the game I think you might be confusing Raven with 3D Realms and Duke Nukem: Forever. Raven has only been working on this game 1 year and 1 month I believe. Most developers (good ones too) take a minimum of 2 years and it's usually around 3 and up. So Raven is AMAZING considering they not only made this but did some major modifications too it. Only about 10% of the original Q3TA code is left...and that's straight from Raven



my system is fine. Runs at good frames. game looks GREAT. BUt sky don't move :confused:


very very very confused

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Originally posted by buzzfunk666

Sorry but..hhahahaha


"the sky wont move"


Man, ur killing me. Oh yeah, its VERY crucial to the gameplay, hence the sky MUST move.




who cares if it moves?

He cares :p

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There is no need to insult people Ron1jed.

Be nice, relax and enjoy the game.

I would have thought, fighting people in battle and fiquaring out puzzles would divert your attention off the sky. Also jedi outcast is an action/adventrue game not a staring game.

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Just how exactly does a moving sky add to the gameplay...? Does it suspend your disbelief that you are fighting the Remnant in far away places? Do you even know what suspension of belief is? These are questions that will probably never be answered.

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Come on, guys, give him a break! I like my skies to move. I don't know if it "adds" to "gameplay" but you guys are being just as stupid as he is, if that's the word to be using. (Ron, not that you are being stupid)


The game is pretty awesome, though, so I've heard (:D). The sky issue bugs me, but that should be at the bottom of the critisism list, not meaning that it's necesarilly at the top of Ron's.


If I were a mod around here, this thread would be closed... riiiight...



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I think its safe to say that the sky's movement or lack thereof IS near the top of Ron's criticism list. If you've noticed, the guy has been complaining in a number of threads, calling folks names and the like.


That's what I've taken exception to, not his original gripe (which I do support).

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i give up. i really do. i jsut can't bevlive that the sky DOES NOT move. Its amazing. They put so much time is making this game so good but don't make the sky move. And the shadows are not FULL unless you type in /cg_shawdows 3

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Wow Ron1jed, you seem to think this would be the perfect game. You had set your expectations so hight the game couldn't meet them no matter how hard Raven worked. Wow the sky doesnt' move, live with it man.


Ps if all else fails you can give me your copy of Outcast. :)

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-mildy offensive comment removed to prevent furthing flaming- doesn't matter who started it- Krayt


The sky has nothing to do with gameplay..... 99% of the time you will never see the sky other then when dorks like yourself want to sit and stare at it like its real. IF the sky moved would you be like "WOW.... now theres a real nice sky" Ofcourse not.... You prolly would never even think about it and it wouldnt change a damn thing. What would you have liked them to sacrafice in order to make the SKY MOVE?! THey did awesome in the time that they had to make the game. This is by far the dumbest thing to complain about.



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