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Force Powers Ruin Duels!


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I am simply disgusted with the fact that force powers are on in most duel servers. All people do is run around and avoid you, constantly draining your force power or healing themselves. This does not promote ANY type of light sabre combat, it only lets you gay people with your force powers. The only time i had fun on a duel server was when all of them are off. So please if you run a duel server leave force powers OFF (in duels, they are fine everywhere else) because all they do is ruin the game.

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well dont worry about it the game is barely being played now and the community is still experimenting with the game. once its in popular circulation dedicated servers and common sense rules will be implemented





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The force powers all counteract eachother in some way. Find a counter to the annoying thing someone else is doing. For example, if someone is healing, don't GIVE THEM A CHANCE TO. Charge them with everything you've got and don't back away. That way, they can't run away and heal. Or maybe drain them so they can't heal. It's really not that tough. You people are just all newbie-ish. It's like complaining that AWP's are "gay" in CS. Or that rockets in MOH ruin everything. Bad strategies may work well on newbies, but when a skilled player gets in there, they're going to lose, miserably.

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I would hope that there are quite a few "newbish" folks out there: the game is just coming out and still isn't available to everyone.


I don't know about the rest of you, but if I were able to install JK2 and use all the old strategies from JK, I'd be pissed. I'm glad there's a learning curve.

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juke, you cant counteract drain. Theres nothing you can do about it and you're s tuck with no force power and he has more than half left, which means he can use lightning/grip at will. Nothing to counteract that now is there? :D

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Hey Juke, the AWP in CS IS gay. When I first got DSL thats all I used, talk about total rapage. Then when you have a whole team using them and they basically don't miss, I have almost gave it up because it was so lame...but then again I have almost given up CS, less than a day to wait!!!

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Wait, I was under the impression that in one-on-one duels, you couldn't use force powers. If you use the challenge system, it's just you, the other guy, and two sabers. You can't hurt anyone else, and nobody but your opponent can hurt you.


So unless I misunderstand you, I'd suggest going into more one-on-one duels using the challenge system.

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Well, I'm sure there will be plenty of duels with no Force once everyone has the game like others have said but to say that using Force powers while dueling ruin the game does not make sense because in all the Star Wars movies, you'll notice Force powers are used.... ESB...Vader used Force Push to throw objects at Luke! I would agree that people who use certain Force powers are annoying but that just means you have to find a way to counter them and there must be a counter to Force Drain. How about Force Absorb or Force Protection? I don't know but that sounds like one of those or both might work.

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Originally posted by loluz

juke, you cant counteract drain. Theres nothing you can do about it and you're s tuck with no force power and he has more than half left, which means he can use lightning/grip at will. Nothing to counteract that now is there? :D


Force absorb, anyone?

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I agree with the sentiments in this thread.


Bowen, sure we see the Force in light saber fights in the movies, but they aren't used to this extent!


Have you played multiplayer yet?


I'm not exaggerating when I say Force Powers are used CONSTANTLY in a duel between 2 people.



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Woah you all need to settle down and stop freaking out for a moment. 90% of us don't have the game yet. When everyone has the game and is playing over the internet and you STILL don't have enough no force games going, then you can complain. But I expect things will change very quickly this weekend and there will be plenty of no force games. I mean, there were plenty of no force games for JK1 right? It shouldn't really change for JK2.

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Am i the only person who doesnt give a god damn about all these complaints from these warez people? STOP F***N COMPLAINING FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!! How can you complain about a game that you didnt even pay for?? Go buy a legit copy then maybe you can talk. And just cause you chose NOT to use drain doesnt mean that when other people do its lame or cheap. I personally hope that all the warez people hate every aspect of this game and find a new game so we dont have to listen to there retarded complaints and reviews on a game they didnt even pay for. Just figured id put this out there considering this will most likely be my last post sence the game will be here at my front door tomarow. Was nice meeting all you legit peeps and ill see you online =)




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Am i the only person who doesnt give a god damn about all these complaints from these warez people? STOP F***N COMPLAINING FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!! How can you complain about a game that you didnt even pay for?? Go buy a legit copy then maybe you can talk. And just cause you chose NOT to use drain doesnt mean that when other people do its lame or cheap. I personally hope that all the warez people hate every aspect of this game and find a new game so we dont have to listen to there retarded complaints and reviews on a game they didnt even pay for. Just figured id put this out there considering this will most likely be my last post sence the game will be here at my front door tomarow. Was nice meeting all you legit peeps and ill see you online =)


um...really. how bout you join us in the world of the present day. the game is out in australia and many people in other locations have received their preorders. you have no idea whether these people have pirated the game or not, and quite honestly, even if they have, i'm still interested in hearing their opinion of the game. so basically, how bout you not be so judgemental and just calm down.

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just stfu

im sick and tired of everybody on this ****ing forum jumping to goddamn conclusions about people who own and dont own the ****ing game



on EVERY ONE of the threads ive started (and ive started probalby 4 or 5) there is at least one dumbass who says "OH STFU YOU WAREZ KIDDIE YOU DIDNT EVEN BUY THE GAME SO YOUR OPINION DOESNT MATTER"



Now i realize that not many of you have the game yet. If you dont have the game, then tell me that force powers should or shouldnt be used in duels because you have no experience whatsoever. Ever see two guys using force heal duel? I know i have and it lasted about 15 minutes until the server admin restarted the server without force powers on. Also, another person posted about not being able to use force powers in duels at all..your thinking of a challenge, not a duel. There are duel servers strictly dedicated to 1on1 play.


Sorry for being so harsh in this post but im sick of the people on this forum jumping to conslusions because they think this game is a relgion of some type or a godsend.

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oh i did?

link me to that post

better yet, link everybody to that post



now quit your damn flames, i dont want to see this thread locked like every other one i post because some idiot comes in yelling about how i didnt buy the game.




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Whos crying? Im just letting you and everybody else know that I myself dont give a damn about your opinion cause your a lame ass thief who crys about a game that he didnt care enough about to go and spend his own money to support the company that made it to entertain your ass. so "stfu, Just stfu" biotch. You dont deserve the right to post your opinions on these forums.



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