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The Official "I Love This Game" Thread


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I like the fact that the game is even being made. We could have ended Kyle Katarn's journey in the first Jedi Knight, but NO, Raven had to step forward and pick up the reigns to the Star Wars saga and deliver a rousing sequel to the best Star Wars game ever released.........well, I haven't really played the game but I'm sure I'll have plenty to say tomorrow......I score double points eh? :)

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Bring on the love folks =P


Personally, I've really enjoyed the single player so far. I've never been sucked into a game like i have with this one, and I've played cursory inspections of a crapload of them.


A damn rodian fell on my head and killed me after I shot him, screaming and clutching at his inards. Its my new all time favorite moment in my gaming career.





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Originally posted by Lucky

A damn rodian fell on my head and killed me after I shot him, screaming and clutching at his inards. Its my new all time favorite moment in my gaming career.



Hehe, I remember when that first happened to me (being smacked by a falling corpse), I was wondering how long it would be before it happened to one of you guys... :) And, actually, if the body lands on you (or an NPC) and doesn't kill you, it still knocks you down...

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Originally posted by Lucky

BTW chang, who can I thank for the simply phenomenal lvl design job?























(I may be a bit off on some of these, but generally:)


Chris Foster - Lead designer, Kejim, final level

Oz - Bespin and Doomgiver

Stu Wiegert - Nar Shadaa, Yavin Swamp & Canyon

MRJ - Cairn, Yavin Trial & Courtyard

Tom Odell - Artus, Cairn

Eric Biessman - Kejim, Yavin Trial & Courtyard


And special note of recognition should go to Dan Vondrak for doing a ton of scripting across just about all the levels.

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Haha, I can't wait till I finish it. I've got 5 friggin hours of coding to do before I actually go *into* class tomorow, but after that I'm home free for a week.


I also really enjoy how the action and the music picks up at the same time. I figured out a puzzle that way, music picked up when i walked by a door I thought i'd gone thru, suprise, I hadn't and there were some stormies sittin in their waitin for my strifle.


Bespin was brilliant too, the lvl design there was perfect, and the 2 Reborn poppin out from behind the....oops, better not say where exactly =P The symmetry of the ambush and the lvl at that point gave me a head rush.


LOL, nother thing I almost forgot, in the prison sector of the first lvl I capped 2 officers with 2 very precise headshots and sent a whole fleet of stormies running.


Best bit, I was out of ammo! I chased 3 of those goofy white bastards off a cliff with my dern Stun Baton! To think, they gave their lives rather than face the power of my cattle prod.




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Sweet! I'm on doombringer right now, with any luck it'll be in the same vein as bespin. Gawd I loved bespin. ARGH, must....sleep...not...play...losing...self....control...


edit:LMAO theros, yer so right.



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Originally posted by Lucky

LOL, nother thing I almost forgot, in the prison sector of the first lvl I capped 2 officers with 2 very precise headshots and sent a whole fleet of stormies running.


Yeah, that's the morale stuff at work... they panic for a bit if you take out their officers... they'll recover, given enough time (their overall level of morale is also affected by which side has superior numbers and firepower... a saber is much more threatening to them than a blaster).

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"A damn rodian fell on my head and killed me after I shot him, screaming and clutching at his inards."


ROFL Lucky! I've had moments like that where I would take down enemies far up ahead and have them plummet past screaming their lungs out. Hilarious! I've never had one actually land on me though :D


What I like about the game... lets see... EVERYTHING! :p But to name specifics, I just like popping into a room full of stormtroopers, just stand there while they shoot at me, taking a few down in the process, then pulling the weapons out of everyone's hands and have them run around in distress while I pick them off one by one. Being a jedi kicks serious arse :)


Force jumping 20 feet in the air above a large pack of stormies and force pulling the lot of them into the air from above, then watching them plummet helplessly behind you.


Fighting 2 reborn at the same time Darth Maul style.


Also, mind tricking a stormy in a gun emplacement and have it shoot down his friends and an enemy AT-ST is just priceless :D


Argh, so many things coming up to mind.... Everything about this game, except maybe the length of the single player campaign, is dead on on what a good game should be.

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Yeah Chang, but since Lucky didn't have a saber he had to pull out the next most threatening weapon............The Stun Baton. Bane of stormtroopers galaxy wide. :) hehe actually, lucky, after you pulled the baton on them, they were probably blinded by tears of laughter that they didn't see the edge of the cliff! :)


General Theros

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I think I ran into the same Rodian, Lucky, except I landed on his head, he fell down and I did a backthrust with my saber into his guts as he got back up.


Now *that's* a cool gaming moment. =) I wish I'd recorded it.


What do I like about the game?


Level design is superior, but lacking in the very real sense of vertigo that JK1 gave you when you looked down in Nar Shaddaa or some other levels.


The models (X-Wings, TIEs, AT-STs etc) look fantastic and are beautifully textured.


The animation system is a huge improvement, but some enemies tend to leap forwards on death when they'd just been shot in the head. A minor point.


The enemy AI is very good - dodging, run strafing, ducking - the bad guys don't just stand around waiting to die in JK2.


I've noticed that in multiplayer with bots, if you play with the saber, the bots will switch to saber. If you're playing with regular weapons, so will they. I wonder if the AI was designed with the thought in mind that if you're wielding your saber, you're wanting a duel so the bots will give you one, rather than standing from afar and picking you off with a blaster.


The Dark Side may seem somewhat powerful and unbalanced in multiplayer but any Light Side Jedi with knowledge of his/her skills and when to use them has just as much chance to win. Just because you can't crush your opponent's windpipe or spam them with lightning doesn't mean that the Light Side is weak. Far from it.


The new saber system is outstanding. As ChanKhan said, "If you're a player who is creative and experiments and tries to do interesting things with the saber, you will be rewarded for your curiosity and initiative." I couldn't agree more.

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I've definitely noticed the group AI and it makes a big difference later on when you tend to get ambushed by a bunch of folks all at once of varrying types.


I slowly went from feeling inept with the saber and the new moves to relying on it more and more. Now ill clear out a room with force and saber and not even worry about guns unless im getting sniped by someone thats ridiculously far away and well positioned.


That gradual progression from feeling like a newb who was gonna walk off the side of somthing or stab an NPC sidekick like Billy Dee in the head by accident to me naturally turning off my saber after I was done using it and easily getting to places I felt like was somthing I didn't expect either. It actually flows with the plot progression too, its a very cool experience.









Chang you know the bit in the hangar where yer opening the ceiling doors? lol, the earlier somewhat urgent and detailed explanation of how to get the fuel pumping got me thinking so much I spent a good 15 minutes inspecting the level and identifying the various buildings in there tryin to figure out which one would be responsible for opening the doors.


I actually managed to get to the level below the main level, with those multi colored console protrusions. It took me a good long time but I was convinced thats what I had to do. When I finally got there and they didn't do anything I almost restarted the level, lol. But I kept going back and mousing over Billy Dee to see if he'd say anything new and on my 3rd or 4th trip back I happened to mouse over the crate. I almost smacked myself for not seeing that earlier cause o the texture.


Were you guys planning on doing somthin with that lower lvl and then decided against it? The console protrusion was almost perfectly positioned for a speed/jump combo.










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Originally posted by Lucky

naturally turning off my saber after I was done using it


Yes, I do this all the time, too, it just feels like the thing to do as a jedi, doesn't it? Plus you can be much stealthier with it off...


Originally posted by Lucky

Were you guys planning on doing somthin with that lower lvl and then decided against it?


Actually, no, you really shouldn't have been able to get down there, but I guess you managed to do it... hehe

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Originally posted by General Theros

Yeah Chang, but since Lucky didn't have a saber he had to pull out the next most threatening weapon............The Stun Baton. Bane of stormtroopers galaxy wide. :) hehe actually, lucky, after you pulled the baton on them, they were probably blinded by tears of laughter that they didn't see the edge of the cliff! :)


General Theros


while (enemy == "Stormtroopers")


Stun Baton > Stormtrooper rifle + Bryar pistol + bowcaster;


it's true


Stun Baton rulz :)

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Yeah Lucky I know what you mean about that level. Chang, please read it also :D


***spoilers ahead***














On some levels, like the mining level and the one with the huge shaft with the fan at the bottom, I couldn't find what to do so I had to use bacta canisters like mad. On the mining level with the "red room" with the little carts coming in and the room turning red, I couldn't figure out what to do, so after maybe an hour of dying, i got on top of a cart before the room turned red, and when it did turn red I kept myself alive by chugging bactas until it stopped. Thats how I got past that part. Had 10 health for the rest of the level :D


For the level with the long shaft with the fan at the bottom, i cant remember the name of it, but again i couldn't find out how to turn the fan on so i let myself fall down the shaft little by little, each time landing on one of the little protusions and taking maybe 30 damage each time. Again i got past that with 10 health left and no bactas left.


When i read how to actually get past those parts the "right" way, I was like, DOH! :D









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Argh! im playin on the lowest LOD so i can keep my fr up and my load times as low as possible. Playin somthin as old as JK for 4 years spoiled the hell out of me, if the thing doesn't pop up instantly I go nuts.


The textures looked detailed enough to be buttons from up top. I slipped thru a hole in one of the catwalks where it bent around a jutting wall. The incline underneath was just shallow enough for me to stand on. Then it was just a quick force jump with speed onto the thing. Gettin back to talk to Mr. Colt 45 was a pain tho, lol.


How was working with the *real* Lando? I envy the hell out of yer sound designers. You guys kid him about his malt liquor past? =P


edit: lol bal, I did the same damn thing on the fan lvl.



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Here's how I got past the dreaded "red room":



Wait at the door to the "red room" and wait until a mining vessel exits the other side and the door opens. You'll have a few seconds to run in and to your right and hop up onto the horizontally closing doors that the vessel passes through.


The next vessel will come in, the external doors will close, but if you're standing just right, the door you're at won't close. Not to worry though, because when the detox sequence starts (I'm guessing that's what it is) you'll be out of reach of the harmful rays. The lights will go off and the vessel moves forward again, towards you. Hop onto the front and ride it to the tunnel.


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