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Special ... Special Edition

Young David

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There will be a special edition of the special edition in 2005. Why? Because mr. Lucas told so ...


Here's a piece from theForce.net of what mr. Lucas said:


"The movie will be darker than Episode 1. Episode 3 will be darker still. Episode three will be darker still."


"Episode three, I believe, is written... and some shots have already been filmed for episode three."


"Lucas reports that he shot additional scenes for the original films."


"They will be used to insert into the first three movies to sort of make the complete version of the Star Wars story, some time in the middle of this decade."


"He(Lucas) intends to take twenty years off after the release of Episode 3. He would then be 80 years old at the time that he might think of makeing a 7,8, and 9 and he says don't count on it."


"He says that we will leave the theartre feeling like we have experienced a great deal, we might be a little sad, we should however feel very good about the love story part of it."

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They will be used to insert into the first three movies to sort of make the complete version of the Star Wars story, some time in the middle of this decade."


Great more rubbish added into the films :rolleyes:


They totally ruined the original trilogy when they released those crappy special editions............

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I believe the Special Editions added a great deal. The XWing-battle at the end of ANH was amazing. The Wampa sequence was nice and... who didn't gaze in awe at Jabba ?


The new scenes confirm to me what i thought about a long time ago. Lucas will have to make some twists to make the movies flow into each other more seamlessly.


But: does that mean he'll shoot scenes with people wearing a 70's haircut ?


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Guest Kioet Csuhen

hey, i'll be 23 then! cool! the special editions rule! cmon, those dewbacks and rontos were awesome and so was cloud city and the death star explosions and alderaan explosion!

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Guest Tie Guy

I really like the Special Editions, thats the only Star Wars i know, since the first time i saw the full SW it was in the theatre for ANH Special Edition.


Hopefully by 2005 they wuill have some really cool new technology that makes the movies look even more impressive, i can only imagine....

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Guest Bifficvs

I didn't like the whole Greedo shooting first....Han is a rugged pirate who finally softens up to join the Rebellion. But now....he's just another hero type. Bah!

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Guest Bifficvs

See, for me, the whole point of that is Han being a bad ass, just shooting greedo to take care of business..but changing that, so han doesn't look like a bad guy or whatever, is all bantha poo doo.

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Who knows, maybe Lucas will make Han shoot first in 2005... We can always dream :)


They'll probably take this opportunity to release the original trilogy in DVD format. Maybe a 6+ DVD set including every six episodes? You know you want it... :D

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Guest Hannibal

For all we know Star Wars could be in commercials 30-40 years from now. Lucas' kids could have Darth Vader in beer commercials like "The Duke". Or vacuum commercials like Fred Astaire. What were their kids thinking?

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by WC_heavyarms

I'd like to see a S.E. of the S.E. And doesnt Lucas have a son that could make new ones? He could also write his ideas down.


Yeah, if he is about to die he better write down all of the scripts to the movies so other people can make them. It would suck if he started to make 7, 8, and 9, but then died after making 8! ;)

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Guest Redwing
Originally posted by Bifficvs

I didn't like the whole Greedo shooting first....Han is a rugged pirate who finally softens up to join the Rebellion. But now....he's just another hero type. Bah!


Funny you should say that...that was pretty much my one problem with the Special editon. Greedo's aim was too far off to look realistic. :rolleyes:

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Redwing


Funny you should say that...that was pretty much my one problem with the Special editon. Greedo's aim was too far off to look realistic. :rolleyes:


Yeah, i've always wondered how he could miss for 3 feet away. That just doesn't seem right to me.

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My only problem with the special ecitons were ROTJ the song seen in jabbas palace and the ending ewoke song i think they ruined the best of ROTJ. the other 2 were perfect though!

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Guest Sherack Nhar
Originally posted by Tie Guy

Yeah, if he is about to die he better write down all of the scripts to the movies so other people can make them. It would suck if he started to make 7, 8, and 9, but then died after making 8! ;)

That made me think about a classic composer who never finished his last symphony before he died... I think it was Beethoven, but I'm not sure...


Gee, you would've asked me the name five years ago, and I would have the answer right away. I need to keep in check with History...

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