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Raven is screwing us


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heh, id own in a duel any day young man.

lets not stray off topic though

doesnt it bother you guys that raven would do this to you, the consumers. DELIBERATELY get you stuck in the game so it only SEEMS longer..


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Uh oh, he completed ruined the ending and didn't signify that it was a spoiler..........





DAMMIT Loluz, you have to work with me here, post some more spoilers without signifying that they are spoilers. I promise I won't reply with a reminder.


Good catch though :band:

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/****spoilers ahead***/





I'm halfway thru the sp, been playin 3 days on my 'borrowed' copy. (gettin 2 copies tomorow chang don't count me out =P)


I've been stuck a few times. But only once or twice did i feel like it was just a 'search'. The bit in the hangar on nar shadda, tryin to open the roof for lando. It took me forever to find the grates i needed, only reason i did was cause i happened to mouse over em. Still, there's so much action in that hangar chances are you'll find em really easily anyhow. And Raven's usin the age old technique of keepin destructable stuff mostly the same texture, so if you just keep yer eyes open you'll find just about every switch/grate/destructable-explody-blow-up-wall-in-an-incredible-explosion texture in the game within 10-15 minutes. I spent half an hour looking for those grates but when i found them i felt like it was only just a tad silly.


The other puzzles in the game are just awesome. All the glyph puzzles I liked a lot. They required you to remember stuff and it was never just an object/key you were looking for, it was a symbol and u could guess if u didn't feel like hunting. Which i actually did a few times, lol.


All of the force puzzles were cool too, they were more of the 'action' variety, very easy to figure out. They definitely made sense tho, and that impressed me. I never got caught up thinkin 'this is just so i have a reason to use this silly power' like i did in MoTS.


There was one puzzle that just amazed me. The one on the mining world where yer tryin to figure out how to break all their junk. I ran around killin guys fer a bit, then I settled down to try to figure out what i was supposed to do with the crystal hauler. It was one of the early lvls, so i wasn't clear on the lvl of detail with the puzzles. I tried all the usual smack this with a thermal, hit this with a stun baton, and then i had to just stop and sit there thinkin bout what was going on.


Basically, you had to look at the process and deduce that there must be something venting heat =P not gonna give anything else away.


There were so many cues to that end too, that it was evident. This was hot, the heat has to go somewhere, cause its not hot when i reenter the room. (nother thing Raven did really well was telling u with kyles reactions and some nice partical effects what the ambient features of the room were)


I litterally was stumped until i sat there and thought. Ive never had to do that with an fps before. I had to think, in realistic terms, about what was going on. That was amazing. You want to call that a 'ploy to make the game longer' go right ahead, thats the kind of length i like. I really really enjoyed it.


At other points in the game you have to think about the architecture and decide exactly what a 'fuel pumper' is. Its in plain sight, but if you don't think about it from a technical perspective you'd miss it until you found the neat lil button top of it. If you have to search poly by poly for a switch because you can't think about whats goin on then i pitty you. Yer not gettin jack dash out o this game. Chode!


Raven got me thinking so hard I actually overestimated them a few times. Thats more or less what happened with the grates in the hangar. I started lookin at the hangar and tryin to figure out a path to get on top of it to open the doors. It was much simpler than that, but i had a fun time looking and considering what all the different structures in the lvl actually were and did.


And thats just the puzzles. Don't get me started on the rodian i shot off a roof with the sniper rifle. Aight, nm, ill tell u anyhow.


Rodian wasn't in a good spot to hit me, so i Just popped the silly bastard and watched him start to fall off the roof which wasn't too far away from me. I started headin towards a door and i could still hear the lil monster screaming. I started looking around around to shoot him again to get him to shut up, and got all nervous. It sounded like he was getting closer and closer. All of a sudden I remembered where he was when i shot him and i looked up. Lil green dood falls right on my head that second clutching his stomach. He knocked me off the catwalk i was on and i died! I was in shock fer a good 2 minutes again, then i started laughing and reloaded the lvl.


The rodian fell on me and killed me after i shot him off a rooftop. Now if thats not an amazing gaming experience I have no idea what is.


I've only got one question left for Raven. Why in the hell is kyle's lightsaber blue? I'm halfway thru the game and i still don't know. Did i skip a cut screne or somthin chang?




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Hey, I payed $35 for HL: Blue Shift and it was just plain short. But it was a decent short, and it had some puzzles........er......for Half-Life they took about 3 minutes to figure out.



This statement has absolutely no point to it, I just thought I would post this instead of something else due to the major review of a person who has actually *GASP* played the game under me ...so...I'll just sort of wonder off for a while here .....

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haha, you actually went around trying to destroy everything in site on the mining level?


that is too funny


neway, you can ask chang, i didnt admit to it, and he will tell you that.


Lucky, thats the kind of posts i want to see, not flames or misinformed bs, but actual posts about the game (and his is probably the only informed one ive seen so far). Although i agree with you on some parts, the amount of people coming in and pleeing for help on just shows that some of the puzzles that raven put in the game were purely to frusturate you and get you stuck, therefore making the game seem longer. Also, after you complete the game and know how to complete every single puzzle, there is no replay value at all, which makes it your everyday shooter, nothing revolutionary with the single player.

the mp owns tho :)

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so this warez kiddie can't even PLAY online



it is ok kid.....you pimp mommie for the cash or wash your old mans car for some cash


hummm....wait......why am I feeding this troll???



/me turns his back without the least worry of retaliation

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neway, you can ask chang, i didnt admit to it, and he will tell you that.



hmm not the fact that he called you a damn theaf(sp?) or something to that efect.........


i beleave it was a movie that had the line








"YOU SIR ARE AN ASSHOLE! *spits on feet*":rolleyes: :rolleyes: please go away and this time......dont come back.

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btw, just for the record, i do work at software etc, and we did get our copies of jk2 in late today. But unfortunately our manager told us not to put them on the shelves until the 29th (but i snatched a copy).

and i can play online, im not sure why you say i cant.

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Originally posted by loluz

A friend of mine beat it in 2 days. He played it ALOT, but he still beat it in 3 days.


So which is it? Did he beat it in 2 days then hopped into his warez using time machine and go back and beat again in 3 days?


Thanks for screwing me raven, i really appreciate it.


You're welcome, anytime just ask! Next time we may not even use the Rancor, then again seeing as it IS you, prolly not.


oh also



Now do you think I give a jedi flip what you think? Now there is a simple 2 letter word that will answer this for you. Come on, think real hard, I know it is a challenge for you but do or do not, there is no try.


Geez, ok, seeing how hard this is for you I will give you a hint.


The first letter is N.


The Second letter is O.


Ok no more hints.

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Look at me, I haven't played the game yet, I am getting it tomorrow. Yet I am still posting to this thread!! How can this be?!?! I didn't think it was possible.


But seriously, what response did you really want/expect from this thread? You come on here and yell at and insult people and you really expect a civilized on topic discussion?

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oh so now you work at software ect? before you warezed it.......

what store? what city? street address? phone number? back it up if its true.*hack**hack*dout it*hack**hack*


edit: welcome dar! hear*forks over lightsaber(re) candy bar gift TM*


try not to let the morons get to you.......


enjoy your stay!

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I haven't read past the first page of this thread so sorry if what I'm about to say sounds similar to something already said.


First, those puzzles, call them what you want but yes they ARE a kind of puzzle-IE: you are puzzled about what to do next :p-dark forces had them, jedi knight had them its only right that jedi knight 2 has them. It serves to recreate the feel of the first two games and for that I am very glad. I wouldn't have it any other way.


The good: Again, it makes JKII feel like the other two games before it. It makes the game last longer (I dare you tell me thats a bad thing. Repeat after me: game lasts longer). It serves to change the pace. Too much shooting is as bad as not enough shooting.


The bad: Its frustrating if you're stuck for very long, but after the first few levels you SHOULD be aware that you need to look hard in every room you go, look under every rock (so to speak) and try anything that makes any kind of sense, so its not really that big an issue. It wasn't for me. It did slow me down at some points, and I did swear a time or two, but it never took too long for me to realize the solution


As you can see the good outweighs the bad. The game WAS over quick, and I wont be playing through again right away, but would you rather it had lasted 25 hours instead of 35? (this is a guess, i have no clue how long it lasted) But then again, most games these days dont last much longer than this. And considering the time it took to get this game to what it is today, I think the length was perfect. And now that the big boy is out in stores, they can concentrate on making an expansion pack or two.

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ok well

you want to know what kind of responses i wanted





city? Taylor, MI

its in the southland shopping center

our hours are 9am-9pm on mondays through fridays, 8am-9pm on saturdays, and 8am-5pm on sundays.

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Originally posted by Dar

The first letter is N.


The Second letter is O.


Ok no more hints.


Aaah! it's an unlogical puzzle! It's too hard to figure out! :rolleyes:




If he works for Software etc, then I work for the State Dept. :rolleyes:

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Do you want the puzzles to change or somthin? they don't change in any other game. I'm lost as to what yer wanting out of the Raven guys.


The puzzles make you *think*, you simply can't expect to hit somthin like i did for the first 1 and a half lvls. If yer not used to thinking about an fps, they can be hella hard. They feel hard, but you have to get used to what they're requiring of u and then its simply fun.


I'll go edit my post with spoiler tags, sorry bout that. Tried to keep it as clean as possible =P


The replay you get out of a single player game is in the story and the action. The puzzles you usually remember halfway. I can beat JK1 on the hardest setting in under 8 hours, cause i played thru it so many times when I was offline.


The action in this game is great! It rivals wolfenstein and lots of other recent games. Combat happens differently each time and it's very dynamic. The AI is great and very engaging.


If you want randomized puzzles you should play freecell man. I think this game is much much more action/story oriented than what yer looking for.


I'll go edit my post with spoiler tags, sorry bout that. Tried to keep it as clean as possible =P



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there isnt a single fps that came out in the last year (this one included also) that took more than 5 hours to beat on your SECOND time around (and id be willing to bet that half of them took less than that the first time).


btw, theres no replay in the story because the story simply blows.

its as empty as the grand canyon.

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Maybe the game needs a patch for the Random Puzzle Generator as SOF 2 will have the Random Mission Generator. Then everytime you load a quicksave the puzzle changes on you and the game really takes 35 hours to complete.


All I hear anymore from you Loluz is "blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, *breath* blah blah blah blah blah blah............blah."


:band: :band: :band: :band: :band: :band: :band: :band:


---cancel that, I agree on the short SP issue.

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Originally posted by loluz

A friend of mine beat it in 2 days. He played it ALOT, but he still beat it in 3 days.





So which is it? Did he beat it in 2 days then hopped into his warez using time machine and go back and beat again in 3 days?





You still haven't answered that one price gun boy

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