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Something about gore...


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Didn't know if this is discussed before or not...but...


when I was playing Nar Shaddaa to go after that gangster Rodian, i threw my saber in the catina and it cut a greedo's arm off! lol


So there is gore, but no blood; although gore rarely happens.


Grans are annoying. They with their thermal detonators and lob away. :D

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It wouldn't make any since to put blood in this game. All the energy weapons will burn the wound shut upon impact, and the light saber is the same way. So where would be the place for blood, Thermal Detanators maybe? But that would be silly, and take away from the true Star Wars experience. You'll live with out your blood for one game.

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Yo remember when Maul made Jinn toast if you look closely at the wound there is a blood spot on his clothes, so even a lightsaber doesn't completely cauterize a wound it makes, but you have to slow mo the DVD to see this, SW has blood in it but it is very unnoticible in order to get the PG rating, I am glad that this game is T rated and there is dismemberment.

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