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Congratulations on a great game, Raven...


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I hate you you suck........................ for making such a good game. You have taken away my life!!!!!!!! All I can think and do is play JO play JO. Its unfair. Why raven, why do you have to be so skilled in making kick ass games. WHY?????????????????????? You suck. This game is too good. I HATE YOU.

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Originally posted by JediSith999

Trying to release mind away from playing JO. Caant resist. Actually I dont have the game, but my firend let me play his and my friend wont even let me back in his house. I didnt move for 5 hours stright. Need to get and play JO NOW!


rofl @ "won't even let me back in his house.."


JO Rehab.


That's a new one.. :D

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Yep, its a sweet game :D thx Raven. it was good to see that the friendly AI's weapons were not set on "tickle me plz" like in elite force :p Me favourite levels were the cloud city ones, they really felt and looked like cloud city. btw you guys need to work on the kissing animations, they dont look real :) i look forward to seeing and playing more of your stuff (sof2-game of the year 2002!)


edit: forgot to say that the sky doesn't move

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