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stuck: cairn bay (space bay after cloud city)


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After defeating the dark jedi woman at the end of cloud city, i jump in her ship and land at the remnant space bay. My mission objectives are to find a way out of the bay, and to find the doomslinger ship.


i've found my way out of the bay through the vents at the top of the offshoot docking bays. i've droped into the room at the end of all those deactivated force fields and tunnels, where there are two control booths, a door leading to a room filled with elevator tubes, and a movable crate.


one of the tubes is open slightly, allowing me to get on top of the elevator and cross over into the next elevator tube. it is here where i'm stuck. i cant find what i'm supposed to do or where to go next.


is there anything i need to do in that tube, or is it a secret and not necessary to proceed? and i've searched everywhere else on the level. i cant find where to proceed or if there is some tunnel/switch/grate i need to get to.


p.s. thanks ahead of time

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How did you make that jump to the vent? I can't seem to figure out how to get up to the vent. You have to make what seems like an impossible jump. It seems that you have to jump out and up then redirect yourself backwards while in air.


I can't seem to make this jump.


Please help!



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Originally posted by daggergq

How did you make that jump to the vent? I can't seem to figure out how to get up to the vent. You have to make what seems like an impossible jump. It seems that you have to jump out and up then redirect yourself backwards while in air.


I can't seem to make this jump.


Please help!




It took me a few tries, but what I did was I pushed forward and hit Jump and just kept holding down the forward key. Kyle will jump above the window, but when he falls down, since you're pushing forward, he will go inside.


I hope this helps.

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