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If you pre-ordered JO, will it come the 28th? It says that USPS has shipped it, but the mail-man drove by my house today without stopping. I think I read at lucasarts.com (where i ordered it) that if you pre-ordered it should get there 27th or 28th. Is that only for Collector's Edition?

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I pre-ordered the game through LEC with free shipment. It arrived at the postal office this morning. I went there to pick it up myself instead of waiting until 2 p.m. for the carrier to deliver it. So far it rocks!! I played soem MP and it is fun like hell.......I still have some problems with the force powers though.....I just don't seem to be able to contrel em'......ehehe

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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID. sorry for that but the mail man went by my house and i don't have jedi outcast in my hand. it isn't in my hand!!!!!!!!!! i don't get it. if i pre-order online shouldn't i get it before the game is released in stores. doesn't that make sense? or at least i should get the game on the day it comes out. i don't get why lec didn't ship earlier for people like me who live on the east coast. WHY ISN'T IT HERE??!?!??!??!?!

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OMFG!!!! The mail man is parked outside my house and hes just sitting there reading the paper. He already delivered the letters and there was no package. is he supposed to go back to the truck to pick it up? Gawd this is torture :mad:

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I'm very dissappointed right now, as I have still not gotten the game after the mail was delivered, today, the 28th. Very unhappy. Don't think I will be preordering from Lucasarts again. It should be here the day it goes on store shelves if not sooner. This is rediculous.

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i'm in the same deal as all you guys. the mail lady came and all i got was some college thing and they couldnt even spell my name right. I even went down to the post office to see if it was there, but they said probably not till tomorrow. they said that the truck from the city with the mail arrives around 8:00 am and the mail should be sorted by 11:00. so by the time i wake up i should be able to run down ther and get it. hopefully.

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Where in ohio do you live? I live about 10 miles east of Warren in a little town called Fowler. The most exciting thing to do here is watch our one and only traffic light blink. yes, you heard right, all the dumb thing does is blink in that red color. before we got that 2 years ago, all we did was watch grass grow and cows eat. so if you havent caught on yet, i live in ruralville. so if you live in ohio and got it today, and i also live in ohio and i havent gotten it yet, i should get it tomorrow at the latest, right???

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I ordered from dragon.ca and won't get it for another week or so. What was I thinking? Actualy, what was my brother thinking when he chose ground instead of air mail? I should have ordered from EB and paid the extra 5 bucks. Dammmmmit!


Don't whine cuz you're getting it tomorrow! Pity me because it'll be april before i get it!

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I preordered as well, and today (28th) is the (revised) release date. I did not get my copy from Lucasarts today, and the tracking number provided still after 2 days is designated as not a valid number.


I would like to personally thank lucasarts for screwing over a loyal customer who has purchased a large number of Lucasarts games (pretty much anything with "Star Wars" "monkey" or "Indiana" in the title for the PC or PS2). When I say "screwed over" the entire concept of "pre-order" must have evaded me. I did not realize that it meant order the game months in advance only to get it AFTER it can be purchased at any number of retail locations in my town.


I think this is my (and my friends) last purchase of Lucasarts software. Even though they produce excellent products, their treatment of customers who go so far as to order something sight unseen makes me question whether they are a company I want to do business with in the future.


The company will need to convert a good number of people who illegally stole the game (and have been playing it for over 2 days) to make up for the sales they will not be getting from me and my friends. Good Luck LucasArts !

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Yeah, I don't understand their dilema with this preordering ordeal. It's quite rediculous. I think it was SithMaster2003 (sorry if I am wrong) that wrote them am email and the lady said you should get it the SAME day as the stores put it out. Uh huh...right. Well, so much for that statement. If I read incorrectly, I do appologise, but I doubt I did. If that game does not come tomorrow...well I just don't know, but I will be very, very upset.

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Here is what the e-mail she sent back to me said:


Thank you for your inquiry.


The USPS tracking service for Priority Mail is a delivery-type track. That is, when the package arrives at your end, it is scanned into their system. Therefore, until the day it is due for delivery, it will not show up in their system.


If you do not receive the game in a few days, please reply back to us here and we will issue a request for them to find the package.


Best regards,


LucasArts Company Store



She doesnt really say anything about it being at our doorstep by the release date, but i do have a pretty good memory and it was on the company store web site on a pop-up ad. of course they removed the pop-up ad and put up a new one for jedi starfighter. Also, to make myself and all you guys who havent gotten it yet happy, i e-mailed them a little earlier this afternoon to see what is up and they have yet to e-mail me back. they are gonna have one ****** off jedi-wannabe-geek on their hands if they dont e-mail me back.


[Edit - Stormy - your friendly neighbourhood censor-bot ;) ]

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I appologise then lol, sorry ^_^. I thought I read somewhere saying that the preorders should arrive the same day the stores put it up. Maybe I'm just getting disslusions lol. It's very hard to contain yourselves (me anyway) anymore with all these people who have the game. Well, I'll congratulate you all who have the game though, have fun ^_^.

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Looks like EB was the way to go. Looks like everyone who picked free 2-day air, instead got the game overnighted for free! I got my JK2 at lunchtime today. If it makes anybody feel any better I'm not going to have any time to play tonight. :(

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Okay, I'm ******* ****** in the worst degree here! I'm in Kansas and my LEC pre-order hasn't arrived. <cough> <grabs knife> OH LEC WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!?!? I'm NEVER EVER pre-ordering from the damned-to-hell LEC store AGAIN. <cuts throat>





[Edit - Stormy - censor-bot reaching critical ]

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If our copies don't arrive tomorrow, we get our copy FREE of CHARGE and the money is refunded. That won't statisfy me. I've got some ass-whippin' with my clan tomorrow night. I really need something to look foward to after a long day of work and school. I'm gonna call my post office tomorrow morning and if they've had since Wednesday, I'm gonna go down the block and cuss em out. Arrrrrrrr................gggggggggggg............hhhhhhhhhhhhh......!!!!!!!!!!!




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As agrivated as I am as well about ordering from LEC, they said that the order would arrive within three days of it's release. (I think they said that as well as the day before, so 27th, 28, 29, 30, and it would have to be 1 since there's no post office on Sundays.) If the game doesn't come by the 2nd of April, then start complaining. It really pisses me off that so many people who didn't pre-order already have it.

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i am calling my post office right at 11 am, right when they are supposed to be done sorting mail. if they dont have it, then i am calling lucasarts and demanding a refund. then i am going down to the local computer store to buy it in person. i think i will buy some airplane tickets to california so i can take a trip to lucasarts so i can have a friendly word with whoever is in charge of shipping games....:D

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I am laughing so hard. They got damn women working the store rep respond now. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!


NOW I AM SERIOUSLY ******!!!!!! So will you be SithMaster....read with pure caution..you might fall over dead


Thank you for your email. ALL pre-orders of Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi

Outcast have shipped. Once we have shipped the game via the USPS default

service from our warehouse, delivery falls into the hands of your local post

office. Our website/shipping details alert customers that using the free

USPS default shipping can take up to 7 days in some cases. If customers want

the make sure the game arrives sooner, there is the option to use the

Expedited UPS shipping.


The USPS has a delivery tracking system. This means that the item is

untraceable until it has arrived at your local post office, where it should

be scanned in as arrived and staged for delivery the next day. If you have

not received your order within the next few days, please contact us at 888

532 4263.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation.


Best Regards,


LucasArts Company Store

http://www.lucasarts.com/companystore http://www.lucasarts.com/companystore


[Edit - Stormy - censor-bot in action ]

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i have never been known to be a violent person, but perhaps i should become one. they guarantee us something and just kinda give us the shaft. i think the heading of my next e-mail to lec will be the following:


"Feel the Force **********ers!"


(maybe samuel jackson will say it in episode ii)


arg, edit it if you must mods. yeah, i am royally ******. any ideas on what i should do now? cause i am getting ready to go postal on someone.


[Edit - Stormy - your friendly neighbourhood censor-bot. ;) ]

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