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I ordered from LEC. Outcast was ordered this morning, in mint condition, to my Dad's, 3 hours away. Guess LEC has trouble putting the right shipping address on there.


Tomorrow it's going to be shipped with UPS priority mail early in the morning. Since I'm only 3 hours away do you think it might make it here tomorrow? It had better be here tomorrow or Saturday, or else I have to wait til Monday......

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LEC is shoveling....shoveling....a-shoveling away....


I with you SithMaster. I'm gonna go buy JK2 at Best Buy tomorrow. **** LEC pre-orders from here on out! LEC store reps can "*** ** ****!!!!!!" cough...cough...cough.....


Wow, there's my copy right now! LEC makes sure my SPECIAL pre-order comes right through even at 8:00PM!!! :rolleyes:


I think of LEC store rep as a firehydrant waiting for me to piss all over. Only if ole' George Lucas knew what his LEC was doing, he'd be passin' stones left and right.


"Here comes even more. WE NEED ANOTHER SACK OVER HERE!"


[Edit - Stormy - censor-bot melts into a pile of slag after translation from German to English... ]

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Originally posted by Kuhan

OMFG!!!! The mail man is parked outside my house and hes just sitting there reading the paper. He already delivered the letters and there was no package. is he supposed to go back to the truck to pick it up? Gawd this is torture :mad:


Don't take this the wrong way, but I hope this is true because it's one of the funniest things I've seen recently. I feel bad for you d00d.

I was supposed to get mine at 930AM this morning from Software Etc... To make a long story short, they use Fed Ex and they didn't get to the store until 5:00PM. I got it, but haven't even installed it because I had to come to work.


12 hours to play time....



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Ok im also pretty ******* ****** off. I got mine from Ebgames.com and ive ben tracking the order on fedex. I live in Everett Wa and i tracked my order and it was at bothell which is very close to my house and then it was tracked back in seattle and it didnt change for 8 hours. Im pretty pist. They went from Seatle to right near my house then back to seatle. I sat in my room checking out the windoe every 5 mins all day long today cause i didnt wanna miss him. Just my ******* luck.




[Edit - Stormy - censor-bot reconstructed by Ugnaughts. :) ]

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Well, i think you all know how i feel by now, so i will leave that subject there. Now, for all of you shafted fans out ther that havent recieved their game yet because lec cant pick a good courier, do as i have done, write e-mails. write a whole bunch of e-mails. part of lec's job is to listen to the fans. so lets tell them that we are royally ****** and we ant our game. tell them you are ticked off, tell them how much time you have spent waiting and waiting, tell them we want our money back if we cant get our game. strength in numbers my friends, strength in numbers. if lec is the company they say they are, then they will listen to us and maybe change the ways they operate because of us. fllod their e-mail if you have to. get them to listen instead of sending some dumb auto-reply about recieving our game in 7 days instead of the guaranteed 2-3. we shall not fall quietly into the night. we will be heard.


[Edit - Stormy - censor-bot operating within normal parameters ;) ]

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First the word was that my pre-order for Jedi Outcast was backorderd. It was a relief to find out that the game was shipped on the 26th of March. For some reason, almost 3 days later, I clicked the Track button at the lucasarts.com/companystore/ordersatus or whatever thingee, and it said that the number i put in was invalid, or that if the order just came in it may not be tracked. 2 days later it says the same thing. I'm still not worried, yet. Then I get a message saying 27th, 28th, or 29th. Well, no sign the 27th, none the 28th, I'm hoping the 29th (you better hope the 29th too!) Then I get a message stating it could take up to 7 more days! Whatever happened to the concept of pre-order? That way you don't have to worry about the stores running out, you get it the day it comes out or earlier, etc. Well, I am very dissapointed in the service. I also know that I am not the only one who I am speaking for. There are a lot of other dissapointed people who ordered from LEC out there. So, when should I be getting the game? The 29th?


What do you think? If I get that dumb auto-response again, I will increase my threats...MUAHAHAHAHAHA...I'll make sure no one orderds from LEC again!

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I semi agree that letters need to be sent, but I am afraid that letters are not good enough. Unfortunately the only thing that truly makes any statement is the allmighty dollar in our society, so untill you folks are ready to make a personal sacrifice (by not playing their games) and boycott Lucasarts products they will continue to shaft you, and they will expect you to have a big old smile on your face while they do it.



I would also like to point out there was no statement regarding getting the game within 3 days of ANY date when I actually ordered it!


I do know that according to lucasarts web site it was "in the warehouse" for over 2 days before it was shipped.


I am asuming the delivery scheme goes as following.


Packaging facility

Lucasarts warehouse

Distributor warehouse(ex Best buy regional distribution warehouse) (assume 2 days by truck plus one day sorting at their warehouse before going to...)

Individual store.


Now us "pre-orderers" are not adding any step to this delivery chain, so I question Lucasarts devotion to their customers.


Join with me and refrain from purchasing Lucasarts products, and LET THEM KNOW WHY!

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Originally posted by BobDude

LOL, I'm sure that by the time JO actually arrives on our doorstep, we'll all just forget about the whole thing! ;):dsaber:



Speak for yourself there... The entire reason I preordered was so I could play as soon as possible, and that has been undermined. I dont take the shaft quietly, nor do I forget who has sahfted me.


Burn me once, shame on you... Burn me twice, shame on me!

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Well LEC shipped mine on the 26th and it showed up early this Thursday morning, just at the wrong adress. It really ****** me off.


But look at it this way, the longer you wait, the more fun it is the first time you play it. Waiting's the hardest part, but then again, when that anticipation is gone, something's hollow inside all of us.


Oh god I can't handle this, what I really mean is I want the m**********r right now...... oh well.


[Edit - Stormy - censor-bot in operation ]

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I preordered from EB and had it shipped overnight by Fed Ex. The EB site said it shipped on the 27th, and it is now the early morning of the 29th, and I still do not have my copy of JO, even thought I used the overnight shipping. I'm thoroughly PO'ed with EB and "Dead Ex". I mean what kinda overnight is that? Well, no more pre-ordering for me. What a ripoff!

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i am gonna call my post office again in about 15 mintues, and if they dont have it i am goin down to babbages in my local mall and buyin it. and if and when my pre-ordered game does arrive i will just seel it to one of my frieds or sell it on e-bay.......... hey now there is an idea. i can seel it on e-bay for twice the price to some dumb shmuck. i just want my game...... *Breaks down into tears and collapses on floor*

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I too got it today!!! But I thought about it, don't blame LEC for the following: it was USPS that was delivering. The lucasarts.com/companystore/orderstatus.htm said shipped complete, that means that it was USPS's fault, not LEC! Maybe it only said that for me:confused:

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I HAVE THE WORSTE LUCK!!!!!!!!! I ordered mine from Ebgames.com and was tracking the order through Fedex.com

I live in Everett WA and my order arrived in seattle so i was all excited and waiting like a moron pretty much at my door. Then it gets miles from my house and then its back in seattle again where it stays for 8 hours. I tracked it this morning and its in BEDFORD IL!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!! I called them and they explained how Eb screwed up a bunch of orders so fedex is running **** all over hell because they labeled it wrong. I guess this has ben happening alot and Im pretty ****** off. THey told that sence its easter weekend i most likely wont get mine till next tuesday or wednesday!!!!!!!! **** THAT!!!!!! I canceled my order and im gonna swing by the nearest game store in a couple hours when they open and i will never.... NEVER pre-order anything from Ebgames.com. This was a complete pile of dog crap and it has ruined my whole experience. Hope the rest of you got yours on time and good luck and see ya online =)




[Edit - Stormy - your friendly neighbourhood censor-bot ;) ]

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The point of pre ordering is so you get the game right when its released. Not 7 days later. Should be delivered at yer house when it says it will. I have wasted all day yesterday siting at home in my room looking out the window every 5 min so i didnt miss him and now i have to cancel my order and drive over to the nearest non Eb game store.



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The point is that pre-ordering from the manufacturer should ( a BIG should ) result in minimal delays. I do not blame the USPS, for Lucasarts had the product days before shipment! If their intent is to take preorders and to not ship the product when they have it only to try to get it to each customer on the retail store release date (which then gets moved a day earlier after their brilliant calculations of how long to wait till shipping the pre-orders), they do not need to take pre-orders! It would be just as easy for them to not take pre-orders and allow the people to pick up the product on the release day at their leisure.

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Well it showed!

Did anyone else laugh at the return Form provided...

Namely Reason #4 for return... "Arrived too Late"


I freaking knew that was an acceptable reason for return I would have gone to the store yesterday and picked up a copy and sent this one back!


gg LucasArts

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