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Useful console commands


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Originally posted by c4rM310

no matter what u do in multiplayer your fps will always go down. I've tried every command possible I've even changed my r_picmip to 10 and whenever u play online your FPS will be anywhere from 30-60.



I get about 80-90 FPS. Then when I'm in a 'battle' it drops to 20-35. When I'm on a server with more than 10 people , most of the times it drops bellow 20. And my system lags horribly.

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Originally posted by Minimaul



I get about 80-90 FPS. Then when I'm in a 'battle' it drops to 20-35. When I'm on a server with more than 10 people , most of the times it drops bellow 20. And my system lags horribly.


That's exactly what I'm talking about with my r_picmip at 12, dynamic lighting off, vsync off, shadows off, cg_draw gun 0, low textures and geomtery, simple items, cg_marks 0 and I still get 30-50 FPS in the heat of battle with about 8 people in a server. This my comp: Athlon XP1900, GF3 Ti200, 256DDR, SpaceWalker AK31A. And the average FPS when I'm not fighting anyone is 80-60 and I have my maxfps at 125. HELP! Why are the FPS so low? I should be getting like 500.

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Originally posted by Toshiya[RAVEN]

Actually, dismemberment is sort of broken for MP as it is. Seems to be a VM issue.




If you try it now it may work a couple times, but will then likely give you an opstack error.


Ah, I knew there was a reason it was disabled, but I thought it was because it didn't look right, did not know it crashes the game... thanks for the correction, Toshiya.

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Originally posted by c4rM310


That's exactly what I'm talking about with my r_picmip at 12, dynamic lighting off, vsync off, shadows off, cg_draw gun 0, low textures and geomtery, simple items, cg_marks 0 and I still get 30-50 FPS in the heat of battle with about 8 people in a server. This my comp: Athlon XP1900, GF3 Ti200, 256DDR, SpaceWalker AK31A. And the average FPS when I'm not fighting anyone is 80-60 and I have my maxfps at 125. HELP! Why are the FPS so low? I should be getting like 500.


Are you running the server *and* playing as a client on the same machine (i.e.: a listen server)? If so, try running a dedicated server and connecting to is as a client from another machine.

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Originally posted by ps2maddenman

]com_maxfps xxx (default 85 if you have a P4 2.0Ghz and a Geforce 3 jack it up to 120)


Raising the com_maxfps doesn't do anything good for you. It won't make the game run better when the framerate is low, it just raises the maximum framerate limit. This can actually end up making your computer do more work. Also, it's capped at 85 for a good reason - raising it above that can cause odd problems with physics and, if you let it jump to 125 or so, your game will seem chuggy because whenever there is just the slightest bit of activity, it will drop 30 or so fps dorn to 60-90... that's still a good framerate, but you may notice the drastic change in fps and it will feel choppy even though it isn't. The goal is a consistant framerate, not the highest framerate.

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Other variables I've had fun with:


g_synchronousClients x (0 or 1)


This server-side variable enables demo recording by a client. Use the \record command to start recording and \stop to stop.



In game voice and animated taunts; bind a key to the following, I've used j in the example:


bind j "+button3;taunt;-button3"


I think the voice taunt may be tied in with the animation, so you may be able to get away with just


bind j "+button3;-button3"


I've tried to figure out how to use the following taunt commands, but so far I've been unsuccessful. If anyone else has any ideas, I'd love to hear them. I'm new to this Q3 stuff, coming from a strictly UT background, but when your favourite genre comes out on the "competition's" engine, well, even Kyle was tempted by the Dark Side. ;)








g_gravity x (default 800)


Another server-side variable, this sets the gravity in the level. Just for kicks I set it to 0 and jumped. Wow! Use this only to play about with, though, unless you want to play some low grav games (The UT Giant Map Clan comes to JKII! :))


Two other variables I noticed which sounded interesting are:





Possible holdovers from the Quake 3 variable set?



Set your server's motd with


g_motd "Message of the day here."


I'll post more as I learn them.

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Originally posted by Toshiya[RAVEN]

Actually, dismemberment is sort of broken for MP as it is. Seems to be a VM issue. In case we ever fix it, cvars are:


g_dismember 1-100 (1 is hardly ever, 100 is every time a saber blow of appropriate strength is dealt)


And on the client, cg_dismember 2 will give you full "gore" (limbs, heads, the works)


If you try it now it may work a couple times, but will then likely give you an opstack error.


Well, cast my vote for fixing it. I think it would make a WONDERFUL addition to Duel play on MP servers.

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Ok I am getting conflicting answers on how to show FPS.


One says:


]cg_drawfps 1


and another says:


/set cg_drawfps 1


and yet another says:


set cg_drawfps 1


So Chang, ummm which is it please?

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Oh yes! Dismemberment is a must! An option at least for those of us who would enjoy cutting off the limbs of our best friends and foes. :D


Please put my vote in for getting this issue addressed sooner rather than later Raven. :) And thanks for the great game!! My friends and I LOVE it!!



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I haven't seen this one listed her yet. It's Very nice for us HPB's stuck on modems.


\rate XXXX


This sets the transfer rate between your client and the server, by default it's 4000. If your on a 56k modem try setting it to 3000 and see if that doesn't help with lag. I did it lastnight and it droped my ping by 200ms and after that the game I played was pretty much lag free.

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Originally posted by BigHairyWookie

Can somebody tell me how to bind lean controls to a single key. I've tried bind e "+leanright" and bind q "+leanleft" but it doesn't work.


I hate using use + strafe! There has to be a way.


bind <key> "+use;+moveleft"

bind <key> "+use;+moveright"

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Originally posted by ChangKhan[RAVEN]


bind <key> "+use;+moveleft"

bind <key> "+use;+moveright"


You Raven guy's are the best!!! :D Thank's so much for this...and for making such great games like Jedi II and STVEF! :cool:


And...I apologize to everyone in the forum for telling you all to kiss my Big Hairy Wookie A$$ in another thread. ;)

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