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NO, .BSP version not compatible!!!!


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I just tried loading one of the maps I have been working on for JK2....ERROR!!


Raven has messed with something, we will need to wait till we get their version of the compiler...is this Lucas Arts being #$*^!!@#$ holes?? :(


- Vorax

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Hey guys....in case you haven't noticed......Jedi Knight 2 uses a WAY more advanced version of Quake 3 Arena technology.

I believe to create such levels much of the originmal mapcode had to be changed.

So I believe there was no other way than to create a new compiler.


BTW isn't this the case for nearly all games whoo are based on another technology?

Or did you get the Half Life compiler to work with SoF? Or the Unreal Tournament level editor to work with Deus Ex levels?


So go easy guys, I don't believe it will take long until we get the SDK, and hey, we can start making the levels already and if you want to have hiogh quality it will surely take some time, won't it?



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