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question + initial thoughts on game


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first up, my question:


when I trie to use the IR goggles, my screen turns all yellow and jumpy.. I can barely make out anything with them on.. is this a bug?


short review-


So far I've gotten deep into the first level over the last few hours (much of my time revolves around replaying the first few battles with different control settings). I like it, but I'm not in love with it yet. Something seems weird about how the character moves, a little faster than walking in jk1, but walking is MUCH slower than it's earlier counterpart. Personally, I never enabled auto run in the first games, but you HAVE to in JK2.


Secondly, why no control template per player? I thought it was so cool that each player could configure their own setups, but maybe this wasn't in the full version of JK1 either (i've only played the demos). Eitherway, if my room mate wants to play, she has to change everything around.. bummer, man.


lastly, the visuals are VERY cool, but so far the game is leaving me luke warm (and will, until I find a sabre to use). only a few more levels, eh?

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Welcome to the forums, qibbish. Hope you're enjoying your stay. Here...*hands over a chocolate Jedi Medallion*. ;)


Yes, when using the Light Amplification goggles, the screen does turn yellow...and your view is a little more restricted, so you have to be a little more careful with your movement of the mouse to look around. I can't say that I've noticed the screen jumping at all, though. :eyeraise:

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