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MP cries out for Duel of the Fates!


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Despite the, ah, varied feelings on ol' Episode 1, I've yet to hear anyone say that Duel of the Fates is anything less than utterly awesome. And while I was flailing around at bots with my lightsaber, I couldn't stop thinking, "This would be a hundred times cooler to the right music."


That aside, I just adore the play control, this is what the first JK should have been when it comes to using the force and sabers to kill stuff. I was a little irked that the bot kept using drain on me and kept me from using most powers, but it's what a smart human would've been doing in its place, so I can't really fault it.


But it's not all love for Raven. The single player opponents are a pain, from stormtroopers that dodge like their feet were greased to magical, psychic Rodian snipers who always know where you are. And, while I hate to say it, I think the first two games had a feel that was much closer to Star Wars than JK2. Something about the architecture, the lack of non-opponent NPCs, and the textures gave the levels a lack of the immersiveness that the earlier games had. Nar Shaada in the first JK had a feel that was 100% SW, but the city shown in the second could be from pretty much any sci-fi movie.


Despite that, I'm still very pleased with the game, the multiplayer more than makes up for any deficiencies in the single player.

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