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Running Should Use Up Force Power


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I think constant running for more than 30 seconds at a time (example) should start to sap your inner strength and thus should start to tap your Force Power.




Running is basically the default movement mode and there's no penalty for it and that's unrealistic. Combat, rolls, jumps and flips are fast enough already, so why do we have to run all the time?


It makes the saber combat almost random as people run past and you "swing and hope" with your saber. If just occasionally saber fighting was fought between 2 opponents moving more slowly, we'd see some real skill in duelling.


Why is it running BACKWARDS is just as fast as running FORWARDS?


I've spectated quite a bit and I'm sure a LOT of players are using macros and they literally NEVER stop running.


Raven please consider limiting running.



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I agree with you on the running backwards being the same speed, that in my opinion just doesnt make any sense (although a good force pull is nice sometimes when they do it). But for not being able to run all the time is making the game too realistic like all the "Realistic Games" out there like CS and MoH, but thats just my opinion, I like my FPS's fast and furious. Maybe later someone can make a mod for this to work for your benefit.

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There's no use making a categorical staement like that WITHOUT backing it up.


I voiced an opinion and backed it up with how I believe it would positively impact on the game.


If you're going to disagree at least say WHY Tigzy.



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I think Raven did a FANTASTIC job, binding Gameplay, Action and realism.-


JO could have been More fierceful in Saber Fighting (more like an Arcade fighting game), i mean by this, moving faster, faster slashes...etc...

But, this is not realistic !!, the idea is to find the perfect balance between both, and raven did it.


TOO much realism doesn't make any sense either.....

we'll be playing a RPG instead of a FPS action game.

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Originally posted by Hoth

There's no use making a categorical staement like that WITHOUT backing it up.


I voiced an opinion and backed it up with how I believe it would positively impact on the game.


If you're going to disagree at least say WHY Tigzy.




Ok, then.


The idea of realism in a JO is impracticle, because, in such a game, fast action and fluid gaming is a more important matter than adding in so many layers of realism as to make the game nearly unplayable. Of course, there are games that focus on realistic aspects like these, and for some people these games are enjoyable. However, for a game like JO, where the focus is on Jedi force powers, lightsaber dueling, and sci-fi gunning, the matter of physical realism simply detracts from gameplay. In the star wars saga of movies, Jedi are presented as superhuman warriors, capable of incredible feats, not limited to such great feats as levitating starcraft at lower levels. If this is the matter, especially at the lower level, surely a Jedi is able to jog for an extended amount of time? Even if the game is reduced to a FPS with no force powers present, the matter of gameplay comes into hand. Surely people realise that putting in something like you propose would only end up with the game being reduced to a snails pace as people need to pause every so often to catch their breath? And if you were to implement this measure into the game, surely you'd have to go further than this to make sure it's totally realistic, yes? I mean, even a simple battle in itself is extremely strenous and tiring; It would mean that warriors would tire out incredibly fast. But, instead of discussing the possibility, let's put it into a more practical theory.


I load up Jedi Knight with the new physical running limitation in place. I join into a server and start chasing the closest person to me, lightsaber in hand. I take him down, then quickly kill the next opponent that comes into view. However, then my movement is reduced to a snails pace. My force powers have been tapped by my brisk jogging to such an extent that I must not only walk for the next few minutes, but my force level is reduced to nil.


Not so crash hot, don't you think?


Thus, for a game that focuses on non-realistic fights and situations, do you not think it would be prudent to simply avoid this matter altogether? I mean, it would find a perfect place among other games, but this game by itself is obviously not the place for it to be put in.


I hope this satisifies you, Hoth. Putting in explanations to justify obvious points is a great idea.

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