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Need help!


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I am stuck on the second level of Outcast, I have come to a room inside the mining complex where there is a electrified conveyor belt in the middle. Kyle said something about a tram when i entered but since I was concentrating on turrets I didn't listen:( . I have searched everywhere for a switch but can't find one.


Plz help me get further.

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Welcome to the forums, Pyr0. Hope you're enjoying your stay. Here...*hands over a chocolate Jedi Medallion*. ;)


I'm moving this thread over to the Help->Strategy Centre forum, so you can get the help you need (and others who haven't played the game don't see any spoilers). ;)


Okay...now we're here...to answer your question, there is no switch. You have to complete a couple of other objectives on the level before you can use the tram. You do need to think very carefully on this level...if you haven't already...you might want to check out that big pipe that you saw coming out of the cliff face at the beginning of the level...it's important. ;)

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Firstly, if anyone is listening, thankyou for developing Jedi out cast

it has brought back my enthusiasm for Star Wars games. It is that good!!!

However I'm stuck, as I noticed some other players are at the mining complex- been all over the map killed all enemies but what the hell do i do next!!!! I come to a tram line but its electrified!!!

I know its probably a simple solution but I'm stuck!!!

Please help as I weant to go on and get my Light Saber.

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