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HELP!!!, How do I get the saber?????


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I"m on the level after talking to Luke and getting all my force power and knocking down this tower with the cage with the saber in it....but I can't get the saber. I know there is that one part where you stand and the floor goes down and as it does the cage goes up. I use force speed but still cannot get to the saber before the cage comes back down. Help me....this is ticking me off. What do I do????


cause it dosent seem I can use my force powers on any objects in that level.

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Welcome to the forums, Bonez. :) Here...*hands over a chocolate Jedi Medallion*


I wish I could help you, but I haven't got that far yet...


I'm moving this thread over to the Help->Strategy Centre forum so that others with the same problem can either help you out...or find a solution more easily. ;)

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