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Stuck on level 2 !!!! Help me.....


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I have been stuck for hours !!! on level 2, I'm unable to find an exit. At the moment I'm looking through a window into a room with a green crystal. can't find away into it, what do I do next??


Please Help.....

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Ok, I think I know where you are. You should see a door on your left that has been locked. Go back to the control pannel and mess with the switches, until the door unlocks. Walk up to the door, and there will be an explosion and a bunch of storm troopers will get blown away. There will still be lots of troopers there so be ready. I think that should've helped, but I'm not sure. Good luck.

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Opposite the door, at the other end of the room, is a control panel. Go up to it and use it, then you get to contol a mouse bot (Cool, eh?). Take the mouse bot to teh left of the door and there is a mousebot sized opening. Open it and go into the room. Go to the right and through the tunnel until you get to the next room. Go round that room looking for a switch. Press it, and it switches of whatever it was that was killing you in the room. Press jump to control Kyle again and go into the room =]

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U need to use a smal droid to disable the machine that holds the crystal otherwise u will die.


U need to get the key kick and get out then. Use Force Speed to prevent your death. Then use the droid to disable the thing and continue...

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