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Stuck after wind tunnel on Level 2 Part 2


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OK, I've gone down the wind tunnel. Then i went back up through the caves and back into the Imperial Complex. Now I've opened som doors and killed some more guys and now I'm back in the Tie Fighter Hangar. There is a window on the top floor and also a window in one of the corridors where I can see an officer with his back turned. But I don't know what to do next, or where to go. I think I've been everywhere. PLEASE help, I'm really getting into the game but I'm blowed if I know what to do next.



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It's ok, I just hadn't explored all the rooms as you suggested :) I feel proud I got personal attention from Raven though :p


Now I'm stuck at the academy, can't get my blessed saber out of the cage lol


Any help would be appreciated...

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