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would i like this game?

Furious Fish

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up til yesterday i was all raring to buy this game, cos of the great feedback and it looked cool & all,


seeing as i never played jedi knight or MotS much, i decided to d/l the demo of MotS to see what i had missed out on, and . . . boy did it suck, i thought it was really dull and monotonous, just force pull slash repeat and kill every stormie in the level then hit a switch or 2 & finished


what do you think? is JO the same, or was MotS just a bit of a bad example?

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Well... I definitely will like JO :D I sounds like a dream hehe

But :( ... my pc is very old... so I want to hear you guys' opinion if I have a chance running it.

Here's my system:

PII 300Mhz

224 MB RAM

GeForce II GTS

Well... I can't wait to play JO... and I will get a new system at least in a few months... aaaah!!

So what do you think?

(btw: Return to Castle Wolfenstein was almost unplayable for me 14fps..)

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Well, if you have some serious doubts about whether or not you will like the game, I can only recommend waiting to play the demo when it is released. There is no timeframe for that, at the moment - indeed, no confirmation that a demo will be made, as yet.


MotS did not have as cohesive a plot as the original JK, IMHO, as it was only meant to be a (very good) expansion. The Dark Forces games all have puzzle elements, secrets to find, a story to follow. I cannot say that JK, MotS or JO are simply FPS games...the lightsaber/Force powers certainly add a different element to the gameplay.


Sorry I can't help you more...but I cannot really recommend the game to you because every gamer is different, and has different expectations. Only by playing the game can you truly determine if it is suited to your particular tastes. ;)

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