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Superb Job Raven, Just a Few Minor Complaints


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This game is spectacular. Best game ever made and I mean that. I had always felt JK1 was the best game ever made as it provided me hours and hours of endless fun, but JK2 puts it to shame. I think most of the bad reviewers either didn't play it long enough to get good, or just didn't get good at all. When I started playing yesterday, I was just running around hacking and slashing. But by the end of the day, I had learned some moves and started to develop a style. There are so many saber combos that I think it will just take everybody a little bit of time before they can really appreciate the beauty of the game. Everything runs smoothly and I don't have a fast computer at all. The AI is superb and the voice acting is great as well. Hilarious animations when people die as well. Also must commend you on making force jump and regular jump the same button. The puzzles are challenging but very logical.


My few complaints: The first complaint is that when you're trying to choose a multiplayer character, it doesn't show you their whole body...so you kinda have no idea what you're choosing. I know the manual and the website have some pictures of the characters, but it's kinda inconvenient. Secondly, why can't we customize the colors of our mp skins more? It'd be nice to change colors other than blue, red, and normal. But that's just nit picky.

I'd also have to say that the loading times are a bit long. It's tolerable and I don't get upset waiting for it to load, heck it's nowhere near as bad as the unbearable loading times of EA games on a PS2. But i'd have hoped they would've been shorter.

Lastly, someone mentioned that you cannot create different "users" for single player in order that you could separate saved games and be able to tell between the different saved games. JK1 was set up like that and although it's not a problem for me, I could definitely see it being difficult for others.

Those are all the complaints I have and none of them take away from the gameplay which is superb. I'm sure I'm completely missing some easy solution to some of my complaints, so tell me if you know.

Overall I give this game a 9.99/10 (because there are no perfect 10's in life).


EDIT: ADDITION TO COMPLAINTS: Here's a complaint that somebody else brought up that I couldn't agree with more: the in-game server browser doesn't allow you to filter out more options. I had a hard time finding a game with the settings I wanted.

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