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Issues with MP games...


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Lets talk about JKII Multiplayer.


The first concern I have is player limits.


Just because you have an OC3 or whatever...and your server box WILL run 32 players to a server, it doesn't mean you SHOULD.


Why? Look at Imperial Labs for example. 32 players on that map becomes a wild, un fun spam fest where the objective is to grab the highest power weapon you can and spam it down hallways.


Too many players on an FFA server makes for bad games. Simple as that.


Secondly, and this is to Raven. Do you REALLY think its necessary to allow people to use the force and guns at the same time? Point in example. Force Speed and an Imperial Repeater alt fire. And if someome happens to grip you and stop you in your little tracks..well then, force absorb takes care of that and you can turn around and just start fragging again.


I can deal with the fact that FFA is a game designed for everyone all at once. But how much skill does it take to run around alt fire spamming little groups of people having Jedi duels? Exactly, especially when someone thats more Jedi inclined than Armsman inclined doesn't have much in the way of defense except for a lucky force push. The saber doesn't do any blocking of the alt fire options of most of the weapons, and pretty much your only choice is to whip out a gun in response...which starts a vicious cycle of everyone whipping out guns....and then the entire server just becomes a mess of spam, defeating the feel of skilled jedi play and turning it into a really bad Quake 2 Weapons of Destruction clone.


So, back to the server admins. Lets figure out the other game types guys. FFA is fun...but its annoying. Its a place for people to get a feel for the game. But overall... its just annoying. And unfortunatly FFA servers are pretty much dominant at this time.


Try FFA Force+Saber only. That was the longest lasting gamestyle in JK1. I mean...be honest with me, how many people play this game to be a Stormtrooper? Survey says....none. So stop enabling grief players by running default FFA servers.


Default server limits of 20 kills on FFA is just ridiculous. If your running a plain vanilla FFA server you should up the fraglimit to 50 or so. Why? Because that will give everyone time to enjoy the game in their own way. Maps can last as long as 5 minutes with some unprincipled ass running around weapon spamming everyone to death. So think about this.


Now to the players.


A kill IS NOT just a kill.


Theres a game called Quake 3 Arena where you can USE THE ROCKET LAUNCHER ALL THE TIME!! You should go play that if rocket launchers are your bag. (Why does EVERY FPS game have to have a rocket launcher?)


Don't confuse skill with jumping duelists, gun whoring through an entire level, or camping respawn points and back stabbing people before they even know your there.


Lets not let the new JK2 community fall into the same rut most FPS communities get into. We are all Jedi wannabe's, learn some honor, play with integrity, and respect those you defeat and those that defeat you skillfully.


Hopefully...all the rocket mongering Quakers will wander back over to their games asap.


And don't tell me "You can duel without being interrupted" I know this, but its just sabers, thats it, you can't pit force power and saber skill together against an opponent in a duel.


And there just aren't enough duel servers to go around. Much less ANY Saber/Force only servers.


Honor, Integrity, Respect. All these things are hallmarks of the true internet jedi gamer. And I've yet to see much. So far, all I've seen is spam and no skills whatsoever.

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Not to sound rude, because i agree with your opinion, however this is a fps game at the core. Its going to draw a large part of people who play fps regularly. Many of which dont care about the ethics of star wars, or even know what the word ethics mean. So your going to have a lot of force using gunners, or people who try and cheap u to death. Ive already experinced this and find it very annoying, but thats life with games...people ruin a good thing, just try to not let it get to you.



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You bring up some interesting and valid concerns on the state of the multiplayer game and I agree with you on most points; when I join a sever I want a game of skill, dexterity and a little luck, not the unbridled spam-fests we see on most servers.


But the fact is, the community is very, very young, server "admins" throw up a server just to get people playing without much thought to the number of players and the game dynamics they offer on their maps. I'm sure given time, things will settle down as people new to the Q3 engine become accustomed to the various server settings and their implication on gameplay.


There's little point in complaining about FFA, because it's just that; a chaotic, undisciplined free-for-all. I usually avoid servers with more than 8-10 players for all the reasons you mentioned and more. In fact, I rarely join FFA servers because I've played all those games before - UT, Elite Force, Medal of Honour, Wolfenstein... JO FFA is just another DM game with the addition of the Force and Lightsabers. I know for a fact, though, that a great percentage of the gaming community will play nothing more than deathmatch because they don't have the patience to learn new gameplay types.


Server admins who set up Duel game types need to learn to LOWER the Duel Limit from 20 to something more reasonable, for instance, maximum of 5, or set a time limit for matches. Why? Say you join a Duel server where the kill limit is 20 and you're 4th on the list waiting to play. This means you'll have to sit through however many kills left for the current duel (up to 20) and another 60 kills for the next three matches before you begin to play. No wonder many people I see end up going AFK (away from keyboard) and stand there dumbly when it's their turn to play.


I just started playing on Jedi Master servers and it's a total blast! Sure everyone's coming after you when you've got the saber, but I like those odds. :) I just wish there were more Jedi Master servers out there.


We are all Jedi wannabe's, learn some honor, play with integrity, and respect those you defeat and those that defeat you skillfully.


I agree with your sentiment, but I'm afraid those words will fall on generally deaf ears. The amount of name-calling, cursing and immaturity prevalent on servers is sickening. I was on a duel server the other night hacking this poor guy to shreds (sorry, I can't remember your name mate, otherwise I'd warn everyone here) and he started spamming me with "you f**king cheating c**t. I'll f**king kill you and your f*g pc. I'll send you a virus and waste your sh*t f**king ass." Dude! It's a game! If you get that upset playing a game, god help you when mommy packs you off to the real world to earn your own lunch money.


No wonder so many games are passworded. It keeps out trash like that and makes the game more enjoyable for the friends who have fun playing.


I look forward to meeting you on a server Joruus, you sound like a good player.

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I dont know about you, but one of the biggest things that annoy me, is when someone comes in, and simply force jumps while spamming repeater alt-fire, maybe I SHOULD just go pick up that sniping weapon, instead of using the lightsabre for fighting. I dont know, personally I play on CTF servers, so what I'm refering to could be considered helping your team, by hopping around spamming it, letting your force speeded buddy come in and get the flag. *shrug*

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Biggest gripe i have right now about MP is the fact that force pull DOESNOT pull weapons in multiplayer.. it is 4am in the morning and not once have i pulled a weapon out of a players hand with force pull.. and that is having it maxed. This was a critical key to JK1 which balanced out the very powerful weapons.. the ability to disarm the opponent ( besides the sabre) kept there from being the rocket launcher or concussion rifle whore..



the more i play the more irritated i become becase of this one simple fact ( the fact that no matter how much pull force you have you can never pull the opponents weapons)


if anyone has in multiplayer please speak up because after 7 hours of multiplayer i still have yet to pull the weapon..

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i tried targetting the weapon several times..


in the many hours tonight and still not 1 weapon pull


its going on 6 hours of playing and i finally think i'll give up and go get some sleep.


its funny cause it works great in SinglePlayer.. along with being able to force pull objects to you ( ammo , health etc..) but for some reason Raven saw it in their infinite wisedome to leave it out of multiplayer.. go figure.

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Well, I still havn't been able to try to pull a weapon, but I had a funny moment a few moments ago on ctf_bespin, sniper in that side part, and I jumped up and pulled him out into the shaft while landing where he was :)

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if you have a new skin/model ... unless the server you play on has it too ... u cannot use it.


ive been trying to figure out how to use a user made skin on a server that doesnt have it, but cannot find a way.

all the q3 ways dont work.

even with the edited maul that ChangKhan did up for me doesnt work on 'other' servers.


that is really stupid....

makes developing skins/models for ppl to use pointless since they cant use in the game unless the server puts them on too.

doesnt matter how many ppl have it...

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I agree with your points, but what it really comes down to is that its a FPS with the starwars brand name. To me its like Q2 but with better graphics, sabers and better everything else.


personally I'm always sabering because its so fun, and hate someone coming in and spamming me. Usually if that happens I'll just run away or grip them and let others saber them to death. Its the way it goes unfortunatley, but I can beat spammers with just saber most of the time anyway (top 3 at least)

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