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Hi, im at the part where I have to end the crystal mining or something and I am at this place and there is a big room, and these floating car things go into it. Then it flashes red a lot and then they leave. I don't know what i am supposed to do? I tried getting on top of one but the red flashy stuff killed me. Can some one please help?



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Go out of that room, in the next room there's a door to the outside. You can drop down from that to another place below; there's some energy conduits you can destroy to drop a forcefield around the main one. Blast that and the 'red flashiness' will stop. From that, just do what you were going to do and jump on top of the carrier.



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More specifically, there is a large exhaust pipe outside of the room that extends a little while before the red flashy death. Drop onto it, and when it detracts, follow the tube into the room, kill everything there, then jump onto the flying hovermining car.

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I'm stuck here too. I got into the chamber place where the cars stop for whatever reason and after shooting the power source, I don't know where to go. I've tred jumping onto those crafts, but I can't get on. Where do you jump to get on them? Thank you.

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Heh...this is a popular problem spot in the game. ;)


Navaros...you need to be quick...get some det packs ready as you're heading through the tunnel, then place them, step back, set them off, and use your blaster to kill the big red cylinder under the elevation platform. If you don't take that one out as well, you will still get fried by the radiation. ;)


Coligeon...ride that platform back up into the chamber above...and you should notice some struts where the mining cart stops. Climb one of them and hop on board. ;)


I'm moving this thread over to the Help->Strategy Centre forum so other's stuck in the same place can read the solution. ;)

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Navaros from what I read of your post it sounds like you may not have destroyed the big pillar in the middle. When you destroy the four posts the shield on the middle pillar dissapears but you still have to destroy it. All that destroying the four posts do is allow you to destroy it. That should shut it down and allow you to go into the main room with no worries.

Bu the way there is pretty good walkthrough of this very problem on this site. I think it is under strategy and was written by one of the mods if I remember. So I dont remember your name to give credit.

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