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AT-ST Troubles


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It took me a while to figure it out as well. But then I noticed something. When you come up the elevator and theres the little place with the guy that you can get the key from, right infront of that is a turret gun. Hop in, blow up the AT-ST in the canyon before he shoots you, then pop some stormtroopers and when the AT-ST comes out, blast it. Hope this helps. Remember, the turret is right past the small building after the elevator.

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Naturally, an hour or so after starting this thread, I tried the level again and found the guns. :rolleyes: Destroying the third AT-ST is easy: hop into one of the guns near the ion cannons (preferably the one farthest from the end of the valley) and blast away. Head to the big doorway at the end of the valley and take the door on the right, then take the lift up. I find it fun to blast the stormtroopers with the turret gun. Call me a sadist, I don't care. :)

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