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Stuck in Single Player! Help *Spoilers*


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If anyone can help me on this that would be great


just beat the Nar Shadda Level.. ( what an experience ) and now Im on the garbage level.


there's a dumpster to push once you leave the door.. pushing it and pulling it seems to make little difference.. so I explored and killed everyone I could find. I found a tunnel system behind a crate that led me to a row of dumpsters and all they do is shake when I force push/pull em. I can't seem to force jump to any level but the floor..

I managed to find a way into one of the trash compacters.. pulled the items.. so I left it.. I also tried going in there once..died.. I see a switch in one of the rooms that connects to the tunnel behind the crate but there is a force field or unbreakable glass there.

also another room that looks like it has bars..the bars to break tried saber and stuff...


basically.. Im running around this small level getting nothing acomplished at all.. I've tried sabering all the crates a few blew up..ect ect


if you can help that would be great..

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