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Stuck In The Trash Lvl


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:jawa bah.... well this is how it is: In the Nar Shadda lvls, I am in the man's trash factory, and that stupid head keeps popping out asking for a password...I don't have one.... I've ran around everywhere looking for a password or an exit or something...in the room full of crates piled MILES high I didn't find anything....please help me here...starting to **** me off and ruin the game for me....


[Edit - Stormy - swearing :tsk: ]

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Not only have you posted this on the wrong message board but the way you're asking for help is far from the best. I can understand you being frustrated about being stuck though, but still.


In any event, to get the password you need to find an old friend. Just jump in the airducts in the corridor right before you enter the ledge of the compactor room. You will see a rodian and an explosing crate to his right. Shoot both, the rest will easily be figured out.

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