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For The Love Of God Help Me Please!!!!

monkey jedi

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I don't care if this is moved, but let someone help me first. No one is replying to me in the other board.

i just barely freed all the prisoners and now i need to find a Commander to open a door for me. but, i can't find the Commander and i've searched everywhere. there is a big hole with a fan at the bottom, am i supposed to get down there? if so, HOW? everytime i try i die :p PLZ HELP!

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ok i did the same thing.. go back teh way you ame to the fan.. out there ( sorry can't be more specific don't remember) there is a switch to turn on the fan.. i missed it the first 2 times passed it.. it will have the fan picture on the glass above it.

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ok..ya remmeber going through a control room with a big tube thing in the middle of it??

along one of the walls is a control panel wtih a fan icon on it.

there is a switch on that panel.

hit the switch to turn on the fan..tehn go back to the tunnel and just float down.

there ya go.

if ya need more specifics..i'll try to help ya out..i still have a save back there.




-"goodbye blue monday!"


[oops ya got the help before i posted...eheh ]

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I'm stuck there as well... what's the big fan you're talking about?

I'm in the big room with TIE fighters.. and the "commander"?? is turning his back on me in this red hallway.... do I need to go back down the tower? I've tried that.. but haven't seen anything..

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